~ (exists x : T, p x /\ (exists y : T, q y /\ ~ r x y))
=> (not exists <-> forall not)
forall x : T, ~ (p x /\ (exists y : T, q y /\ ~ r x y))
=> (not (A and B) <-> A implies not B)
forall x : T, p x -> ~ (exists y : T, q y /\ ~ r x y)
forall x : T, p x -> forall y : T, ~ (q y /\ ~ r x y)
forall x : T, p x -> forall y : T, q y -> ~ (~ r x y)
这是等效的 Coq 证明:
Require Import Classical.
(* I couldn't find this lemma in the stdlib, so here is a quick proof. *)
Lemma not_and_impl_not : forall P Q : Prop, ~ (P /\ Q) <-> (P -> ~ Q).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Theorem t3: forall (T: Type), forall p q: T -> Prop, forall r: T -> T -> Prop,
~(exists (x: T), ((p x) /\ (exists (y: T), ((q y) /\ ~(r x y)))))
<-> forall (x y: T), ((p x) -> (((q y) -> (r x y)))).
intros T p q r.
- intros H x y Hp Hq.
apply not_ex_all_not with (n := x) in H.
apply (not_and_impl_not (p x)) in H; try assumption.
apply not_ex_all_not with (n := y) in H.
apply (not_and_impl_not (q y)) in H; try assumption.
apply NNPP in H. assumption.
失败的原因。Coq 不会自动找到开箱即用的引理的应用位置和方式。
是一种相对低级的策略。有一个 高级 Coq 功能允许将命题引理应用于子项。)
Require Import Classical.
Lemma not_and_impl_not : forall P Q : Prop, ~ (P /\ Q) <-> (P -> ~ Q).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Theorem t3: forall (T: Type), forall p q: T -> Prop, forall r: T -> T -> Prop,
~(exists (x: T), ((p x) /\ (exists (y: T), ((q y) /\ ~(r x y)))))
<-> forall (x y: T), ((p x) -> (((q y) -> (r x y)))).
intros T p q r.
- intros H x y Hp Hq.
apply NNPP. revert dependent Hq. apply not_and_impl_not.
revert dependent y. apply not_ex_all_not.
revert dependent Hp. apply not_and_impl_not.
revert dependent x. apply not_ex_all_not. apply H.
实际上,有一种称为 的自动化策略firstorder
Theorem t3: forall (T: Type), forall p q: T -> Prop, forall r: T -> T -> Prop,
~(exists (x: T), ((p x) /\ (exists (y: T), ((q y) /\ ~(r x y)))))
<-> forall (x y: T), ((p x) -> (((q y) -> (r x y)))).
intros T p q r.
- intros H x y Hp Hq. apply NNPP. firstorder.
- firstorder. Qed.