我需要调用SetSettings()并使用 中的 3 个元素splitSettings,设置EncodeAudioFalse. 我该怎么做呢?将对象的属性转换为字符串中的姓名。我意识到我可以用我所有设置的 switch 语句来做,但必须有一种更动态的方式来做这件事。

namespace SettingsLib
  public class Settings
    public Boolean EncodeAudio { get; set; }
namespace Service
   void SetSettings()
     string[] splitSettings = { "SettingsLib.Settings", "EncodeAudio", "False" };
     // Need to set EncodeAudio to False in SettingsLib.Settings



Settings settingManager = new Settings();

我想做的是通过使用 splitSettings 的元素将 EncodeAudo 动态设置为 False

settingManager.EncodeAudio = False;

感谢 TBohnen.jnr 的帮助,我得到了这个答案:

public void setProperty(object containingObject, string propertyName, object newValue)
    foreach (PropertyInfo p in containingObject.GetType().GetProperties())
        if (p.Name == propertyName)
            p.SetValue(containingObject, Convert.ChangeType(newValue, p.PropertyType), null);

3 回答 3



namespace SettingsLib
  public static class Settings
    public static bool EncodeAudio { get; set; }
namespace Service
   void SetSettings()
     string[] splitSettings = { "SettingsLib.Settings", "EncodeAudio", "False" };
     dynamic property = Type.GetType(splitSettings[0]).GetProperty(splitSettings[1]);
     property = splitSettings[2];
于 2011-04-16T19:52:41.077 回答

编辑用 int、bool、double 和 string 对其进行了测试,它工作正常,还添加了一个检查以确保该属性存在并抛出它不存在的异常(可能想要更改异常类型)

编辑 2:临时解决方案,将向 convert 方法添加更多类型名,或者如果有人可以建议一种更动态的转换方式(如果没有,那么我假设你必须知道将使用的所有类型)?


public void setProperty(object containingObject, string propertyName, object newValue)
        if (containingObject.GetType().GetProperties().Count(c => c.Name == propertyName) > 0)
            var type = containingObject.GetType().GetProperties().First(c => c.Name == propertyName).PropertyType;
            object val = Convert(type,(string)newValue);
            containingObject.GetType().InvokeMember(propertyName, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, containingObject, new object[] { val });
            throw new KeyNotFoundException("The property: " + propertyName + " was not found in: " + containingObject.GetType().Name);

    public object convert(System.Type type, string value)
        return Convert.ChangeType(value, type);




class testSettings
    public bool SetBool { get; set; }

    public void setProperty(object containingObject, string propertyName, object newValue) 
         if (containingObject.GetType().GetProperties().Count(c => c.Name == propertyName) > 0)
            containingObject.GetType().InvokeMember(propertyName, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, containingObject, new object[] { newValue });
            throw new KeyNotFoundException("The property: " + propertyName + " was not found in: " + containingObject.GetType().Name);

static void Main(string[] args)
    testSettings ts = new testSettings();
    ts.SetBool = false;
    ts.setProperty(ts, "SetBool", true);


于 2011-04-16T19:54:12.543 回答

正如其他人所提到的,您应该考虑将 SettingsLib 类设为静态。您可能还需要处理从字符串到目标类型的值转换。这是一个如何工作的简单示例。

namespace Service
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      string[] splitSettings = { "SettingsLib.Settings", "EncodeAudio", "False" };
      SetProperty(splitSettings[0], splitSettings[1], splitSettings[2]);  

    static void SetProperty(string typeName, string propertyName, object value)
      var type = Type.GetType(typeName);
      if (type == null) 
        throw new ArgumentException("Unable to get type", "typeName");

      var pi = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
      if (pi == null) 
        throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find property on type", "propertyName");

      object propertyValue = value;

      if (propertyValue != null)
        // You might need more elaborate testing here to ensure that you can handle 
        // all the various types, you might need to special case some types here 
        // but this will work for the basics.
        if (pi.PropertyType != propertyValue.GetType())
          propertyValue = Convert.ChangeType(propertyValue, pi.PropertyType);

      pi.SetValue(null, propertyValue, null);

namespace SettingsLib
  public static class Settings
    public static bool EncodeAudio { get; set; }    
于 2011-04-16T20:00:20.367 回答