I am trying to implement the Poloniex account notification websocket API in Node.js https://docs.poloniex.com/#websocket-api

The command is: { "command": "subscribe", "channel": "1000", "key": "", "payload": "nonce=", "sign": "").hexdigest()>" }

The first parts are easy however I am stuck on the sign parameter. This involves 1) encrypting my secret using hmca_sha512 2) updating it with the nonce? 3) converting it to a hex digest?

So far my code reads as follows however the last line has me stuck:

ws2.on('open', function open() {
    var nonce = Date.now();
    ws.send(JSON.stringify({  'command': 'subscribe',
                              'channel': 1000,
                              'key': apiKey,
                              'payload': `nonce=${nonce}`,
                              **'sign': "<hmac_sha512(secret).update("nonce=<epoch ms>").hexdigest()>"**

I think I can achieve the hmac_sha512 by using:

const crypto = require('crypto');
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha512', apiSecret);

I think I can convert a value to a hex digest using:


I am not sure of how to implement the .update("nonce=") part. I can partially update this to be as below however am lost on the "update()" function.


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