下面将一个集合传递给此方法,并且还传递了一个条的长度。如果从条长度中删除该集合中的某些数字,则该解决方案应输出该集合中的数字,这些数字给出的浪费最少。所以,条长 10,集合包括 6,1,4,所以解决方案是 6 和 4,浪费是 0。我在通过集合回溯的条件方面遇到了一些问题。我还尝试使用浪费的“全局”变量来帮助回溯方面,但无济于事。
SetInt 是一个手工制作的集合实现,它可以添加、删除、检查集合是否为空并返回集合中的最小值。
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package recback;
public class RecBack {
public static int WASTAGE = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] nums = {6,1,4};
//Order Numbers
int barLength = 10;
//Bar length
SetInt possibleOrders = new SetInt(nums.length);
SetInt solution = new SetInt(nums.length);
//Set Declarration
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++)possibleOrders.add(nums[i]);
//Populate Set
SetInt result = tryCutting(possibleOrders, solution, barLength);
private static SetInt tryCutting(SetInt possibleOrders, SetInt solution, int lengthleft)
SetInt clonedSet = possibleOrders.cloneSet(); //initialise selection of candidates
for (int i = 0; i < possibleOrders.numberInSet(); i++) // the repeat
int a = clonedSet.min(); //select next candidate
if (a <= lengthleft) //if accecptable
solution.add(a); //record candidate
lengthleft -= a;
clonedSet.remove(a); //remove from original set
if (!clonedSet.isEmpty()) //solution not complete
tryCutting(clonedSet, solution, lengthleft);//try recursive call
if (lengthleft > WASTAGE)//if not successfull
} //solution not complete
} //for loop
return solution;