I have an matlab example of this program but I can't do it in Python. How it must look like (mathlab example) https://imgur.com/a/oam3jXl.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import hilbert, chirp
duration = int(input("Input duration of signal = "))
A = int(input("Input amplitude of signal = "))
start = int(input("Input start of modulation time = "))
end = int(input("Input lenght of modulation = "))
fs = 400.0
samples = int(fs*duration)
t = np.arange(samples) / fs
main_t = []
result = []
for l in range(0,samples):
start_mod = np.arange(start*fs)
end_mod = np.arange(end*fs)
signal = chirp(t, 20.0, t[-1], 100.0)
signal *= (A + 0.5 * np.sin(2.0*np.pi*3.0*t) )
for i in np.arange(0,start*fs):
fig = plt.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax0.plot(main_t, result)
ax0.set_xlabel("time in seconds")
I expect the inputing some data from console and then print graph using matplotlib for example. Graph must look like graph that u can see on image(mathlab example).