我有一个 QHeaderView 在单击节标题中心的左侧或右侧时会执行一些操作。
为此,我需要知道点击相对于 QHeaderView 的viewport的(可能滚动的)内容的位置。然而,实际的点击位置仅指 QHeaderView(它始终是固定的)。
我尝试了 mapTo/From 的变体,但找不到正确的方法。这是简化的代码:
void MyTableHeader::headerSectionClicked(int section_index, int click_pos)
int section_size = sectionSize(0); // All sections in a header are equally sized
int section_center = (section_size * (section_index+ 1)) - (section_size / 2); // Center of the clicked section
if (section_index>= 0)// if mouse is over an item
if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
QPoint x_pos = QPoint(click_pos, 0);
int mapped_offset = viewport()->mapFrom(this, x_pos).x();
if (mapped_offset != -1)
// If the click was to the right of the center, iterate on the index
if (mapped_offset >= section_center)
// Same thing for the Y-dimension
// Neat stuff after this
// If the click was to the right of the center, iterate on the index
if (mapped_offset >= section_center)