I try to integrate Paypal Plus. Everything works fine now (well, almost everything :) )
- Create Payment
- Render the Paypal Plus Iframe
- Click an external Button to redirect the User to the Paypal hosted Pages
- Display the Review-Page
- Execute Payment und display the Thank You-Page
Following the Paypal-Plus-Integration Guide, i should not provide any personal Data in the Create-Payment-Call. For this i should do an Update-Payment-Call.
But how do I know, that the User has clicked an Paypal-Payment-Option within the Paypal-Iframe? If i configure some third-party-payments, i can define a callback. But there is no callback, if the user selects a paypal-payment-method. So, after the user has clicked on the external continue-Button, the user is directly redirected to the paypal-hosted pages, and i got no chance to proceed the Update-Call ("Patch"-Request, to add the Billing-Adress to the paypal payment session, for e.g.).
Can somebody help me?
I read the manual a lot of times and googled, viewed some yt-videos .. but, it seems, that i did not understand the flow.. ;-)
What is your exact flow, if you use Paypal-Plus and their Iframe Payment-Wall...?