
从 SQL Server AdventureWorks2017 数据库:

          select * from [HumanResources].[Department]


           1st : select * from [HumanResources].[Department]

            DepartmentID                         Name                            GroupName                                          Status
            1                                Engineering                    Research and Development                       Cancelled
            2                                Tool Design                    Research and Development                       Blacklist
            3                                Sales                          Sales and Marketing                            Approved
            4                                Marketing                      Sales and Marketing                            All good
            5                                Purchasing                     Inventory Management                           xxx
            6                                Research and Development       Research and Development                       yyy
            7                                Production                     Manufacturing                                  zzz
            8                                Production                     Control Manufacturing                          xxx
            9                                Human Resources                Executive General and Administration           zzz
            10                               Finance                        Executive General and Administration           aaa
            11                               Information Services           Executive General and Administration           xxx
            12                               Document Control               Quality Assurance                              yyy
            13                               Quality Assurance              Quality Assurance                              zzz
            14                               Facilities and Maintenance     Executive General and Administration           aaa
            15                               Shipping and Receiving         Inventory Management                           bbb
            16                               Executive                      Executive General and Administration           aaa

第二,我需要获取如下数据并显示在 SSRS 报告中:

                Name0                                Name1                                      Name2                           Name3                                      Name4
            Document Control           Facilities and Maintenance                Information Services           Production Control                  Research and Development
             Engineering                Finance                                     Marketing                      Purchasing                       Sales
             Executive                 Human Resources                             Production                   Quality Assurance                   Shipping and Receiving
              NULL                     NULL                                         NULL                         NULL                               Tool Design


            WITH Table1 AS
                SELECT  [Name]
                FROM    [HumanResources].[Department]
            ), CTE AS
                SELECT  [Name], COL, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Col ORDER BY [Name]) AS Row
                FROM    (   SELECT [Name],
                                    5 - NTILE(5) OVER(ORDER BY [Name] DESC) AS Col
                            FROM Table1  
                        ) c
            SELECT [0], [1], [2], [3], [4]
            FROM CTE 
            PIVOT (MAX([Name]) FOR Col IN ([0], [1], [2], [3], [4])) AS Pvt
            ORDER BY Row;


       select * from [HumanResources].[Department]


      =IIF(LOOKUP((Fields!ID0.Value or Fields!ID1.Value or Fields!ID2.Value or Fields!ID3.Value or Fields!ID4.Value),Fields!Name.Value,Fields!GroupName.Value="Research and Development","DsetAll"),"GREEN","WHITE") 

      =IIF(LOOKUP((Fields!ID0.Value or Fields!ID1.Value or Fields!ID2.Value or Fields!ID3.Value or Fields!ID4.Value),Fields!Name.Value,Fields!GroupName.Value,"DsetAll")="Research and Development","GREEN","WHITE")


编辑: 下面的表达式看起来很好用:

 =IIF(LOOKUP(Fields!ID0.Value ,Fields!Name.Value,Fields!GroupName.Value,"DsetAll")="Research and Development","BLUE","RED")



        if groupname "Research and Development" and status is "Cancelled" then "Green"
       if groupname "Research and Development" and status is "Blacklist" then "Green"
       if groupname "Sales and Marketing" and status is "Approved" then "Green"
                if status is "All good" then Gray
                if groupname "Manufacturing" then Blue
                if groupname "Control   Manufacturing" then red
                if groupname "Executive General and Administration" then pink
                if groupname "Quality Assurance" then Violet
                Else its should be white

第一个表达式没有显示任何填充颜色。此外,NULL/Blank 不应有任何颜色。


            The Error occurred during local report processing.
            The definition of the report '/ColorTest' is invalid.
            The BackgroundColor expression for the text box 'ID0' contains an error: [BC30201] Expression expected.



2 回答 2


看到您将 Name0 到 Name4 作为静态列..您可以简单地将每一列连接回资源表以获取状态并根据结果..返回一种颜色,然后将该颜色用于报告中的单元格。

我会通过首先用 cte 包装你的 Pivot 并获得整洁的输出来解决这个问题。


    , my_pivot_result as (

     SELECT [0], [1], [2], [3], [4]
                FROM CTE 
                PIVOT (MAX([Name]) FOR Col IN ([0], [1], [2], [3], [4])) AS Pvt

,my_status as (

select my_pivot_result .* 
, isnull(col1_name.status,'') as col1_status
, isnull(col1_name.groupname,'') as col1_groupname
, isnull(col2_name.status,'') as col2_status
, isnull(col2_name.groupname,'') as col2_groupname
, isnull(col3_name.status,'') as col3_status
, isnull(col3_name.groupname,'') as col3_groupname
, isnull(col4_name.status,'') as col_status
, isnull(col4_name.groupname,'') as col4_groupname

from my_pivot_result 

left join [HumanResources].[Department] col1_name
 on col1_name.name = my_pivot_result.name0

left join [HumanResources].[Department] col2_name
 on col2_name.name = my_pivot_result.name1

left join [HumanResources].[Department] col3_name
 on col3_name.name = my_pivot_result.name2

left join [HumanResources].[Department] col4_name
 on col4_name.name = my_pivot_result.name3

Select * from my_status

现在对于每一行,您应该有一个状态和组名。现在使用 case 语句为颜色构建另一列。


    case when  col1_groupname = 'Research and Development'
       and col1_status in('Blacklist', 'Cancelled') then 'Green'

 else 'white' end as col1_color




于 2019-06-24T22:25:18.257 回答

这样表达式应该可以工作,但我建议使用另一种方法(可能使用计算字段将特定信息存储在一个字段中,而不是五个单独的 ID 字段中):

=IIF(LOOKUP(Fields!ID0.Value, Fields!Name.Value, Fields!GroupName.Value, "DsetAll") = "Research and Development" Or
     LOOKUP(Fields!ID1.Value, Fields!Name.Value, Fields!GroupName.Value, "DsetAll") = "Research and Development" Or
     LOOKUP(Fields!ID2.Value, Fields!Name.Value, Fields!GroupName.Value, "DsetAll") = "Research and Development" Or
     LOOKUP(Fields!ID3.Value, Fields!Name.Value, Fields!GroupName.Value, "DsetAll") = "Research and Development" Or
     LOOKUP(Fields!ID4.Value, Fields!Name.Value, Fields!GroupName.Value, "DsetAll") = "Research and Development" 
于 2019-06-24T05:05:43.577 回答