flashvars.xmlSource = "datasource.xml";
datasource.xml 看起来像:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Source="address" Title="title"></Source>
<Description><h1>New hot Features</h1><p>The all new Piecemaker comes with lots of new features, making it even more slick.</p><p>Just to mention a few - you can now specify unlimited transition styles, include your own SWF and Video files, add hyperlinks to images and info texts with all special characters.</p><p>We also impoved the navigation and the animation with animated shadows and pixel-perfect transitions.</p></Description>
我想使用 foreach 循环动态生成 datasource.xml。
我刚刚将文件扩展名更改为 .php 但这并不容易;)