我为我的脚本提供了一个 JSON 数据文件。然后我使用 decode_json 解码了 JSON 数据...

open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file ir die;
    my $jsondata = do {local $/; <$fh> };
    my $data = decode_json($jsondata);

    #print Dumper $data

    #I am trying to write a foreach loop in here to pull particular bits of
    #the information out that I want to display (as detailed further below)

close $fh;

Dumper 输出看起来像这样......

$VAR1 = [
            'DataName' => 'FileOfPetsAcrossTheWorld',
            'Information001' => [
                                    'Name' => Steve,
                                    'Sex' => 'Male',
                                    'Age' => 24,
                                    'Animals' => [
                                    'Location' => 'London',
                                    'Name' => Dave,
                                    'Sex' => 'Male',
                                    'Age' => 59,
                                    'Animals' => [
                                    'Location' => 'Paris',
                                    'Name' => Sandra,
                                    'Sex' => 'Female',
                                    'Age' => 44,
                                    'Animals' => [
                                    'Location' => 'Syndey',

我正在尝试使用 foreach 外观从这个数据结构中检索输出,以便我可以打印输出......

Dataname: FileOfPetsAcrossTheWorld
Name: Steve
Animals: Dog, Cat, Parrot, Hamster
Location: London

Name: Dave
Animals: Fish, Horse, Budgie
Location: Paris

Name: Sandra
Animals: Snake, Crocodile, Flamingo
Location: Sydey

我已经尝试了各种不同的 foreach 循环和来自在线资源的哈希引用代码片段(以及一些我以前使用过并工作过的代码片段)来迭代并从哈希等中提取数据,但我似乎无法让它在这种情况下工作。除其他错误外,我还收到诸如“不是 HASH 参考...”之类的错误。



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for my $hash (@$data) {
    say "Dataname: $hash->{DataName}";
    for my $info (@{ $hash->{Information001} }) {
        say "Name: $info->{Name}";
        say 'Animals: ', join ', ', @{ $info->{Animals} };
        say "Location: $info->{Location}";
        say "";


于 2019-06-21T16:16:17.090 回答