我刚开始接触 RTSP,正在查看 Microchip 的 RTSP 示例中的汇编代码。有两个文件rtsp_api.hrtsp_api.s. 我想知道如何获取返回值以及它是如何工作的。


     * Function:        int16_t FlashPageRead(uint16_t nvmAdru, uint16_t nvmAdr, int16_t *pageBufPtr);
     * PreCondition:    None
     * Input:            nvmAdru - Selects the upper 8bits of the location to program or erase
                                    in program flash memory

                         nvmAdr  - Selects the location to program or erase in program flash
                                   memory. It must be aligned to 512 instruction boundary,
                                   LSB 10bits of address must be zero
                         pageBufPtr- Pointer to the data array in which read data will be stored

     * Output:           Function returns ERROREE (or -1), if it is not successful,
                         Function return ZERO, if successful
     * Side Effects:    None
     * Overview:        This function provides the interface to read the flash.
    int16_t         FlashPageRead( uint16_t nvmAdru, uint16_t nvmAdr, int16_t *pageBufPtr );


  Flash Page Read 
  Read EIGHT rows (PAGE) of memory, upper PM byte is discarded
        push    TBLPAG
        mov     w0, TBLPAG
        mov     #1024, w3

  tblrdl  [w1],[w2++]
  tblrdh [w1++],w6  ; Discard PM upper byte
        dec     w3, w3
        bra     nz, readNext

  clr  w0
   pop     TBLPAG

代码文档说该函数在失败时返回 -1。

参考X16 编译器用户指南第 13.8.2 节,我看到返回值保存在 W0 寄存器中,但上面的代码在返回之前清除了 W0 寄存器。

那么代码将如何返回 -1 ?这可能是一个错误还是我对装配的了解极其有限?


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