这是我调整背景动画大小的方法。它由 2 帧组成,每帧 794 x 446。它需要是全屏、横向模式。请参阅下面的步骤 6。
--> Initialize background animations
-- 1. Data = define size and frames
local bgData = { width=794, height=446, numFrames=2, sheetContentWidth=1588, sheetContentHeight=446 }
-- 2. Sheet = define the sprite sheet
local bgSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "hkc.png", bgData )
-- 3. Animation = define animation characteristics
local bgAnim = {
{ name = "bgAnimation", start = 1, count = 2, time = 800, loopCount = 0, -- repeat forever
loopDirection = "forward"
-- 4. Display the sprite (can't set size here unlike display.newImageRect)
local bg = display.newSprite( bgSheet, bgAnim )
-- 5. Center the animation
bg:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
bg.x = display.contentCenterX
bg.y = display.contentCenterY
-- 6. Resize to match screen size based on a ratio with the actual background pixel dimensions
bg:scale( display.contentWidth / 794, display.contentHeight / 446 )
-- 7. Play the animation