public class MessagingServices
public static IAsyncResult BeginReverseEcho (TcpClient client,
AsyncCallback callback,
object userState)
var re = new ReverseEcho( );
re.Begin (client, callback, userState);
return re;
public static byte[] EndReverseEcho (IAsyncResult r)
return ((ReverseEcho)r).End( );
class ReverseEcho : IAsyncResult
volatile TcpClient _client;
volatile NetworkStream _stream;
volatile object _userState;
volatile AsyncCallback _callback;
ManualResetEvent _waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent (false);
volatile int _bytesRead = 0;
byte[] _data = new byte [5000];
volatile Exception _exception;
internal ReverseEcho( ) { }
// IAsyncResult members:
public object AsyncState { get { return _userState; } }
public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get { return _waitHandle; } }
public bool CompletedSynchronously { get { return false; } }
public bool IsCompleted
get { return _waitHandle.WaitOne (0, false); }
internal void Begin (TcpClient c, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
_client = c;
_callback = callback;
_userState = state;
_stream = _client.GetStream( );
Read( );
catch (Exception ex) { ProcessException (ex); }
internal byte[] End( ) // Wait for completion + rethrow any error.
AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne( );
AsyncWaitHandle.Close( );
if (_exception != null) throw _exception;
return _data;
void Read( ) // This is always called from an exception-handled method
_stream.BeginRead (_data, _bytesRead, _data.Length - _bytesRead,
ReadCallback, null);
void ReadCallback (IAsyncResult r)
int chunkSize = _stream.EndRead (r);
_bytesRead += chunkSize;
if (chunkSize > 0 && _bytesRead < _data.Length)
Read( ); // More data to read!
Array.Reverse (_data);
_stream.BeginWrite (_data, 0, _data.Length, WriteCallback, null);
catch (Exception ex) { ProcessException (ex); }
void WriteCallback (IAsyncResult r)
try { _stream.EndWrite (r); }
catch (Exception ex) { ProcessException (ex); return; }
Cleanup( );
void ProcessException (Exception ex)
_exception = ex; // This exception will get rethrown when
Cleanup(); // the consumer calls the End( ) method.
void Cleanup( )
if (_stream != null) _stream.Close( );
catch (Exception ex)
if (_exception != null) _exception = ex;
// Signal that we're done and fire the callback.
_waitHandle.Set( );
if (_callback != null) _callback (this);
示例取自 Joseph Albahari 的 C# 3.0 in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition;本·阿尔巴哈里