如果给定一条线(由一个向量或线上的两个点表示),我如何找到该线与平面相交的点?我在这方面找到了大量资源,但我无法理解那里的方程式(它们似乎不是标准的代数)。我想要一个可以由标准编程语言(我使用的是 Java)解释的方程(无论多长时间)。


8 回答 8


这是一个 Python 示例,它找到一条线和一个平面的交点。

在下面的示例中,平面可以是点和法线,也可以是 4d 向量(法线形式)(提供了两者的代码)

另请注意,此函数会计算一个值,该值表示该点在线上的位置(fac在下面的代码中调用)。您可能也想返回它,因为从 0 到 1 的值与线段相交 - 这可能对调用者有用。


注意:此示例使用纯函数,没有任何依赖关系 - 以便轻松迁移到其他语言。使用Vector数据类型和运算符重载,它可以更简洁(包括在下面的示例中)。

# intersection function
def isect_line_plane_v3(p0, p1, p_co, p_no, epsilon=1e-6):
    p0, p1: Define the line.
    p_co, p_no: define the plane:
        p_co Is a point on the plane (plane coordinate).
        p_no Is a normal vector defining the plane direction;
             (does not need to be normalized).

    Return a Vector or None (when the intersection can't be found).

    u = sub_v3v3(p1, p0)
    dot = dot_v3v3(p_no, u)

    if abs(dot) > epsilon:
        # The factor of the point between p0 -> p1 (0 - 1)
        # if 'fac' is between (0 - 1) the point intersects with the segment.
        # Otherwise:
        #  < 0.0: behind p0.
        #  > 1.0: infront of p1.
        w = sub_v3v3(p0, p_co)
        fac = -dot_v3v3(p_no, w) / dot
        u = mul_v3_fl(u, fac)
        return add_v3v3(p0, u)

    # The segment is parallel to plane.
    return None

# ----------------------
# generic math functions

def add_v3v3(v0, v1):
    return (
        v0[0] + v1[0],
        v0[1] + v1[1],
        v0[2] + v1[2],

def sub_v3v3(v0, v1):
    return (
        v0[0] - v1[0],
        v0[1] - v1[1],
        v0[2] - v1[2],

def dot_v3v3(v0, v1):
    return (
        (v0[0] * v1[0]) +
        (v0[1] * v1[1]) +
        (v0[2] * v1[2])

def len_squared_v3(v0):
    return dot_v3v3(v0, v0)

def mul_v3_fl(v0, f):
    return (
        v0[0] * f,
        v0[1] * f,
        v0[2] * f,

如果平面定义为 4d 向量(范式),我们需要在平面上找到一个点,然后像以前一样计算交点(参见p_co赋值)。

def isect_line_plane_v3_4d(p0, p1, plane, epsilon=1e-6):
    u = sub_v3v3(p1, p0)
    dot = dot_v3v3(plane, u)

    if abs(dot) > epsilon:
        # Calculate a point on the plane
        # (divide can be omitted for unit hessian-normal form).
        p_co = mul_v3_fl(plane, -plane[3] / len_squared_v3(plane))

        w = sub_v3v3(p0, p_co)
        fac = -dot_v3v3(plane, w) / dot
        u = mul_v3_fl(u, fac)
        return add_v3v3(p0, u)

    return None

为了进一步参考,这取自 Blender 并适用于 Python。 isect_line_plane_v3()math_geom.c中

为清楚起见,这里是使用mathutils API的版本(可以为其他具有运算符重载的数学库进行修改)

# point-normal plane
def isect_line_plane_v3(p0, p1, p_co, p_no, epsilon=1e-6):
    u = p1 - p0
    dot = p_no * u
    if abs(dot) > epsilon:
        w = p0 - p_co
        fac = -(plane * w) / dot
        return p0 + (u * fac)

    return None

# normal-form plane
def isect_line_plane_v3_4d(p0, p1, plane, epsilon=1e-6):
    u = p1 - p0
    dot = plane.xyz * u
    if abs(dot) > epsilon:
        p_co = plane.xyz * (-plane[3] / plane.xyz.length_squared)

        w = p0 - p_co
        fac = -(plane * w) / dot
        return p0 + (u * fac)

    return None
于 2013-08-31T00:25:36.937 回答

这是 Java 中的一种方法,用于查找直线和平面之间的交点。有一些向量方法不包括在内,但它们的功能很容易解释。

 * Determines the point of intersection between a plane defined by a point and a normal vector and a line defined by a point and a direction vector.
 * @param planePoint    A point on the plane.
 * @param planeNormal   The normal vector of the plane.
 * @param linePoint     A point on the line.
 * @param lineDirection The direction vector of the line.
 * @return The point of intersection between the line and the plane, null if the line is parallel to the plane.
public static Vector lineIntersection(Vector planePoint, Vector planeNormal, Vector linePoint, Vector lineDirection) {
    if (planeNormal.dot(lineDirection.normalize()) == 0) {
        return null;

    double t = (planeNormal.dot(planePoint) - planeNormal.dot(linePoint)) / planeNormal.dot(lineDirection.normalize());
    return linePoint.plus(lineDirection.normalize().scale(t));
于 2018-10-08T23:23:10.147 回答


  • 平面平行于直线,直线不位于平面内(不相交)
  • 平面不平行于线(一个交点)
  • 平面包含线(线在其上的每个点相交)









x = 5 - 13t
y = 5 - 11t
z = 5 - 8t

参数t可以是任何东西。(x, y, z)满足这些方程的所有(无限)集合构成了这条线。然后,如果你有一个平面的方程,说:

x + 2y + 2z = 5

(取自此处)您可以将、 和以上的方程代入平面的方程中x,该方程现在仅存在于参数中。求解。这是位于平面中的那条线的特定值。然后,您可以通过返回线方程并代入来求解、和。yztttxyzt

于 2011-04-14T16:38:24.437 回答

使用 numpy 和 python:

#Based on http://geomalgorithms.com/a05-_intersect-1.html
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np


#Define plane
planeNormal = np.array([0, 0, 1])
planePoint = np.array([0, 0, 5]) #Any point on the plane

#Define ray
rayDirection = np.array([0, -1, -1])
rayPoint = np.array([0, 0, 10]) #Any point along the ray

ndotu = planeNormal.dot(rayDirection) 

if abs(ndotu) < epsilon:
    print ("no intersection or line is within plane")

w = rayPoint - planePoint
si = -planeNormal.dot(w) / ndotu
Psi = w + si * rayDirection + planePoint

print ("intersection at", Psi)
于 2016-09-10T08:29:34.367 回答

如果你有两个点 p 和 q 定义了一条直线和一个平面,一般笛卡尔形式 ax+by+cz+d = 0,你可以使用参数化方法。

如果您出于编码目的需要它,这里有一个 javascript 片段:

* findLinePlaneIntersectionCoords (to avoid requiring unnecessary instantiation)
* Given points p with px py pz and q that define a line, and the plane
* of formula ax+by+cz+d = 0, returns the intersection point or null if none.
function findLinePlaneIntersectionCoords(px, py, pz, qx, qy, qz, a, b, c, d) {
    var tDenom = a*(qx-px) + b*(qy-py) + c*(qz-pz);
    if (tDenom == 0) return null;

    var t = - ( a*px + b*py + c*pz + d ) / tDenom;

    return {
        x: (px+t*(qx-px)),
        y: (py+t*(qy-py)),
        z: (pz+t*(qz-pz))

// Example (plane at y = 10  and perpendicular line from the origin)

// Example (no intersection, plane and line are parallel)

于 2017-07-27T22:32:43.430 回答

基于Matlab 代码(减去交叉检查),在 Python

# n: normal vector of the Plane 
# V0: any point that belongs to the Plane 
# P0: end point 1 of the segment P0P1
# P1:  end point 2 of the segment P0P1
n = np.array([1., 1., 1.])
V0 = np.array([1., 1., -5.])
P0 = np.array([-5., 1., -1.])
P1 = np.array([1., 2., 3.])

w = P0 - V0;
u = P1-P0;
N = -np.dot(n,w);
D = np.dot(n,u)
sI = N / D
I = P0+ sI*u
print I


[-3.90909091  1.18181818 -0.27272727]




于 2017-04-18T09:58:26.703 回答



有一个向量 4x1 p 描述了平面,对于平面上的任何齐次点,p^T*x =0。接下来计算线 L=ab^T - ba^T 的采摘器坐标,其中 a = {point_1; 1}, b={point_2;1}, 都是 4x1 就行了

计算:x=L*p = {x0,x1,x2,x3}

x_intersect=({x0,x1,x2}/x3) 如果 x3 为零,则在欧几里得意义上没有交集。

于 2017-02-07T14:48:25.977 回答

只是为了扩展ZGorlock 的答案,我已经完成了 3D 矢量的点积、加法和缩放。这些计算的参考是点积添加两个 3D 向量缩放。注意:Vec3D 只是一个自定义类,它有点:x、y 和 z。

 * Determines the point of intersection between a plane defined by a point and a normal vector and a line defined by a point and a direction vector.
 * @param planePoint    A point on the plane.
 * @param planeNormal   The normal vector of the plane.
 * @param linePoint     A point on the line.
 * @param lineDirection The direction vector of the line.
 * @return The point of intersection between the line and the plane, null if the line is parallel to the plane.
public static Vec3D lineIntersection(Vec3D planePoint, Vec3D planeNormal, Vec3D linePoint, Vec3D lineDirection) {
    //ax × bx + ay × by
    int dot = (int) (planeNormal.x * lineDirection.x + planeNormal.y * lineDirection.y);
    if (dot == 0) {
        return null;

    // Ref for dot product calculation: https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/vectors-dot-product.html
    int dot2 = (int) (planeNormal.x * planePoint.x + planeNormal.y * planePoint.y);
    int dot3 = (int) (planeNormal.x * linePoint.x + planeNormal.y * linePoint.y);
    int dot4 = (int) (planeNormal.x * lineDirection.x + planeNormal.y * lineDirection.y);

    double t = (dot2 - dot3) / dot4;

    float xs = (float) (lineDirection.x * t);
    float ys = (float) (lineDirection.y * t);
    float zs = (float) (lineDirection.z * t);
    Vec3D lineDirectionScale = new Vec3D( xs, ys, zs);

    float xa = (linePoint.x + lineDirectionScale.x);
    float ya = (linePoint.y + lineDirectionScale.y);
    float za = (linePoint.z + lineDirectionScale.z);

    return new Vec3D(xa, ya, za);
于 2018-11-13T13:35:02.143 回答