要使用它,您应该为所有服务生成一个带有服务名称的 JWT 令牌,并定义一个允许服务的列表。中间件将验证 JWT。
const { MoleculerClientError } = require("moleculer").Errors;
module.exports = {
// Wrap local action handlers (legacy middleware handler)
localAction(next, action) {
// If this feature enabled
if (action.restricted) {
// Create new handler
return async function ServiceGuardMiddleware(ctx) {
// Check the service auth token in Context meta
const token = ctx.meta.$authToken;
if (!token)
throw new MoleculerClientError("Service token is missing", 401, "TOKEN_MISSING");
// Verify token & restricted services
// Tip: For better performance, you can cache the response because it won't change in runtime.
await ctx.call("guard.check", { token, services: action.restricted })
// Call the original handler
return await next(ctx);
// Return original handler, because feature is disabled
return next;
// Wrap broker.call method
call(next) {
// Create new handler
return async function(actionName, params, opts = {}) {
// Put the service auth token in the meta
if (opts.parentCtx) {
const service = opts.parentCtx.service;
const token = service.schema.authToken;
if (!opts.meta)
opts.meta = {};
opts.meta.$authToken = token;
// Call the original handler
return await next(actionName, params, opts);