I have a Json object that I'm dumping into a jQuery template (tmpl). It needs to be recursive because the Json object can be n-levels deep. This code works. However, if I wrap it in a function (it belongs in a jQuery plugin i'm writing), it stops working. To see what I mean simply uncomment the function wrapper in the Javascript.
Play with it: http://jsfiddle.net/dbme/tkdZg/6/
<script id="evntTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
{{if data.identifiers}}
<div id="${data.identifiers.id}" class="bsa-event">
type: ${data.identifiers.type}<br />
id: ${data.identifiers.id}<br />
{{if children}}
{{each(i, child) children}}
{{if children}}
{{tmpl(children) "evntTemplate"}}
<div id="eventList"></div>
//(function ($) {
// $.fn.SomePlugin = function() {
var movies = {
"data": {
"type":0, "id":"makeunique_907827h"
"children": {
"data": {
"identifiers": {
"type":1, "id":"makeunique_716786g"
"children": {
"data": {
"identifiers": {
"type":1, "id":"makeunique_234355g"
/* Render the template with the data */
var evntTemplate = $( "#evntTemplate" ).template( "evntTemplate" );
$.tmpl(evntTemplate, movies).appendTo("#eventList");
//}( jQuery ));
More info: I'm using RequireJS to load the files and kick off the whole process. I think that's what's killing the scope. Here's the code for that:
require(["jquery", "jquery.tmpl", "jquery.someplugin"], function($) {
$(function() {