
我正在建立一个 SLA KPI。SLA 基于工单类型和优先级,每个都有到期日。

问题是,我只有字段 created_at,我没有这个截止日期,所以我需要计算它,并且如上所述,使用参数优先级和类型来定义正确的日期。

但我真正的问题是,如何在 PHP 上计算它,考虑营业日和营业时间,例如周一到周五,8:00 到 18:00。

工单的创建时间2019-06-04 08:00:00为 16 小时。所以会是,2019-06-06 08:00:00


1 回答 1



    function addRollover($givenDate, $addtime, $dayStart, $dayEnd, $weekDaysOnly) {

    //Break the working day start and end times into hours, minuets
    $dayStart = explode(',', $dayStart);
    $dayEnd = explode(',', $dayEnd);

    //Create required datetime objects and hours interval
    $datetime = new DateTime($givenDate);

    $endofday = clone $datetime;
    $endofday->setTime($dayEnd[0], $dayEnd[1]); //set end of working day time

    $interval = 'PT'.$addtime.'H';
    //Add hours onto initial given date
    $datetime->add(new DateInterval($interval));

    //if initial date + hours is after the end of working day

    if($datetime > $endofday)
        //get the difference between the initial date + interval and the end of working day in seconds
        $seconds = $datetime->getTimestamp()- $endofday->getTimestamp();

        //Loop to next day
            $endofday->add(new DateInterval('PT24H'));//Loop to next day by adding 24hrs
            $nextDay = $endofday->setTime($dayStart[0], $dayStart[1]);//Set day to working day start time
            //If the next day is on a weekend and the week day only param is true continue to add days
            if(in_array($nextDay->format('l'), array('Sunday','Saturday')) && $weekDaysOnly)
            else //If not a weekend
                $tmpDate = clone $nextDay;
                $tmpDate->setTime($dayEnd[0], $dayEnd[1]);//clone the next day and set time to working day end time
                $nextDay->add(new DateInterval('PT'.$seconds.'S')); //add the seconds onto the next day
                //if the next day time is later than the end of the working day continue loop
                if($nextDay > $tmpDate)
                    $seconds = $nextDay->getTimestamp()-$tmpDate->getTimestamp();
                    $endofday = clone $tmpDate;
                    $endofday->setTime($dayStart[0], $dayStart[1]);

                else //else return the new date.
                    return $endofday;


    return $datetime;


于 2019-06-11T18:02:29.553 回答