我已阅读官方文档:https : //docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplacemetering/latest/APIReference/API_Operations.html 但我不清楚这两个 API 的 usgae


2 回答 2


BatchMeterUsage allows you to submit up to 25 MeterUsage requests with a single API call instead of requiring the user the invoke the API many times.

AWS provides "Batch" requests for many many other services and they all typically behave in the same way: they allow you to submit many requests via a single API call to reduce traffic and improve performance.

Batch requests contain an a list of request objects instead of just a single object.

Note: Specifically for BatchMeterUsage, each request must apply to the same ProductCode.

Hope that helps.

于 2019-06-10T14:06:39.003 回答

BatchMeterUsage 用于 SaaS 产品,而 MeterUsage 用于 AMI 和 Containers 产品。文档 批次用于更新您的 SaaS 的客户。在meterUsage 中不需要发送客户ID,因为它在客户帐户上运行。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplacemetering/latest/APIReference/Welcome.html

于 2021-02-21T16:03:14.323 回答