does anyone know how I can use the sqljdbc4 jar file inside a project but without setting it in the build path of the project inside Eclpise? I store my project in a source control repository and have a Countinuous Integration Server (Jenkins) to run my java tests. If the sqljdbc4 jar is included at Eclipse level only, the Countinuous Integration Server yells it cannot find the class specified (using Class.forName()) as the file is not "shipped" with my java code.

I also use Maven but it seems to not be provided by Maven repository as dependency.

Or any alternative I could use instead of sqljdbc4?



1 回答 1


你可能会发现这个Using eclipse and maven 2, how to get dependency for sqljdbc4? 很有帮助,因为它向您展示了如何将 sqljdbc4 添加为依赖项。您也必须在 CI 服务器上执行此操作,除非您有诸如http://nexus.sonatype.org/之类的存储库管理器,否则您可以在那里安装它。

于 2011-04-13T12:54:13.590 回答