我正在尝试读取 Excel 文件(Office 2003)。有一个 Excel 文件需要上传并解析其内容。

通过谷歌,我只能找到这些相关(且不足)的主题的答案:生成 Excel 文件、读取 Excel XML 文件、读取 Excel CSV 文件或不完整的废弃项目。我拥有 Office 2003,所以如果我需要那里的任何文件,它们都是可用的。它安装在我的盒子上,但没有也不能安装在我的共享主机上。



8 回答 8



  1. Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader,它知道 Office 2003 二进制格式
  2. PHPExcel,它知道 Office 2003 和 Excel 2007 (XML)。(点击链接,您会看到他们将此库升级为PHPSpreadSheet

PHPExcel 将 Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader 用于 Office 2003 格式。

更新:我曾经不得不阅读一些 Excel 文件,但我使用 Office 2003 XML 格式来阅读它们,并告诉使用该应用程序的人只保存和上传该类型的 Excel 文件。

于 2009-02-19T01:57:19.920 回答

我使用PHP-ExcelReader读取 xls 文件,效果很好。

于 2009-02-19T03:07:02.593 回答

阅读 XLSX (Excel 2003+)

if ( $xlsx = SimpleXLSX::parse('book.xlsx') ) {
    print_r( $xlsx->rows() );
} else {
    echo SimpleXLSX::parseError();


大批 (
    [0] => 数组
            [0] => 国际标准书号
            [1] => 标题
            [2] => 作者
            [3] => 出版商
            [4] => 尝试
    [1] => 数组
            [0] => 618260307
            [1] => 霍比特人
            [2] => JRR 托尔金
            [3] => 霍顿米夫林
            [4] => 美国


阅读 XLS (Excel 97-2003)

if ( $xls = SimpleXLS::parse('book.xls') ) {
    print_r( $xls->rows() );
} else {
    echo SimpleXLS::parseError();

CSV php 阅读器

if ( $csv = SimpleCSV::import('book.csv') ) {
    print_r( $csv );
于 2018-12-28T17:56:03.830 回答

这取决于您希望如何使用 excel 文件中的数据。如果要将其导入 mysql,只需将其保存为 CSV 格式的文件,然后使用fgetcsv解析即可。

于 2013-04-21T21:09:46.020 回答


我使用以下代码阅读“xls 和 xlsx”

    include 'excel_reader.php';       // include the class
    $excel = new PhpExcelReader;      // creates object instance of the class
    $excel->read('excel_file.xls');   // reads and stores the excel file data

    // Test to see the excel data stored in $sheets property
    echo '<pre>';

    echo '</pre>';


 echo '<pre>';

    echo '</pre>';

参考:http ://coursesweb.net/php-mysql/read-excel-file-data-php_pc

于 2015-07-04T11:42:00.893 回答
// Here is the simple code using COM object in PHP
class Excel_ReadWrite{

    private $XLSHandle;
    private $WrkBksHandle;
    private $xlBook;

    function __construct() {
        $this->XLSHandle = new COM("excel.application") or die("ERROR: Unable to instantaniate COM!\r\n"); 

    function __destruct(){
        //if already existing file is opened
        if($this->WrkBksHandle != null)
        //if created new xls file
        if($this->xlBook != null)
        //Quit Excel Application

    public function OpenFile($FilePath)
        $this->WrkBksHandle = $this->XLSHandle->Workbooks->Open($FilePath);

    public function ReadData($RowNo, $ClmNo)
       $Value = $this->XLSHandle->ActiveSheet->Cells($RowNo, $ClmNo)->Value;
       return $Value;

    public function SaveOpenedFile()

    * Function Name:- WriteToXlsFile() will write data based on row and column numbers
    * @Param:- $CellData- cell data
    * @Param:- $RowNumber- xlsx file row number
    * @Param:- $ColumnNumber- xlsx file column numbers
   function WriteToXlsFile($CellData, $RowNumber, $ColumnNumber)
               $this->XLSHandle->ActiveSheet->Cells($RowNumber,$ColumnNumber)->Value = $CellData;
       catch(Exception $e){
               throw new Exception("Error:- Unable to write data to xlsx sheet");

    * Function Name:- CreateXlsFileWithClmName() will initialize xls file with column Names
    * @Param:- $XlsColumnNames- Array of columns data
    * @Param:- $XlsColumnWidth- Array of columns width
   function CreateXlsFileWithClmNameAndWidth($WorkSheetName = "Raman", $XlsColumnNames = null, $XlsColumnWidth = null)
       //Hide MS Excel application window
       $this->XLSHandle->Visible = 0;
       //Create new document
       $this->xlBook = $this->XLSHandle->Workbooks->Add();

       //Create Sheet 1
       $this->xlBook->Worksheets(1)->Name = $WorkSheetName;

       if($XlsColumnWidth != null)
           //$XlsColumnWidth = array("A1"=>15,"B1"=>20);
           foreach($XlsColumnWidth as $Clm=>$Width)
               //Set Columns Width
               $this->XLSHandle->ActiveSheet->Range($Clm.":".$Clm)->ColumnWidth = $Width;
       if($XlsColumnNames != null)
           //$XlsColumnNames = array("FirstColumnName"=>1, "SecondColumnName"=>2);
           foreach($XlsColumnNames as $ClmName=>$ClmNumber)
               // Cells(Row,Column)
               $this->XLSHandle->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,$ClmNumber)->Value = $ClmName;
               $this->XLSHandle->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,$ClmNumber)->Font->Bold = True;
               $this->XLSHandle->ActiveSheet->Cells(1,$ClmNumber)->Interior->ColorIndex = "15";
   //56 is for xls 8
    public function SaveCreatedFile($FileName, $FileFormat = 56)
        $this->xlBook->SaveAs($FileName, $FileFormat);

    public function MakeFileVisible()
       //Hide MS Excel application window`enter code here`
       $this->XLSHandle->Visible = 1;
}//end of EXCEL class
于 2015-09-30T23:40:01.387 回答

我正在使用以下 excel 文件网址:https ://github.com/inventorbala/Sample-Excel-files/blob/master/sample-excel-files.xlsx


        [0] => Array
                [store_id] => 3716
                [employee_uid] => 664368
                [opus_id] => zh901j
                [item_description] => PRE ATT $75 PNLS 90EXP
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-18
                [opus_transaction_num] => X2MBV1DJKSLQW
                [opus_invoice_num] => O3716IN3409
                [customer_name] => BILL PHILLIPS
                [mobile_num] => 4052380136
                [opus_amount] => 75
                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -75
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: We need RQ4 transaction for October.  If you're unable to provide the October invoice, it will be counted as EPin shortage.
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-20

        [1] => Array
                [store_id] => 2710
                [employee_uid] => 75899
                [opus_id] => dc288t
                [item_description] => PRE ATT $50 PNLS 90EXP
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-18
                [opus_transaction_num] => XJ90419JKT9R9
                [opus_invoice_num] => M2710IN868
                [customer_name] => CALEB MENDEZ
                [mobile_num] => 6517672079
                [opus_amount] => 50
                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -50
                [ocomment] => No Response.  Re-Upload
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-20

        [2] => Array
                [store_id] => 0136
                [employee_uid] => 70167
                [opus_id] => fv766x
                [item_description] => PRE ATT $50 PNLS 90EXP
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-18
                [opus_transaction_num] => XQ57316JKST1V
                [opus_invoice_num] => GONZABP25622
                [customer_name] => FAUSTINA CASTILLO
                [mobile_num] => 8302638628
                [opus_amount] => 100
                [rq4_amount] => 50
                [difference] => -50
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: We have been charged in opus for $100. Provide RQ4 invoice number for remaining amount
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-20

        [3] => Array
                [store_id] => 3264
                [employee_uid] => 23723
                [opus_id] => aa297h
                [item_description] => PRE ATT $25 PNLS 90EXP
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-19
                [opus_transaction_num] => XR1181HJKW9MP
                [opus_invoice_num] => C3264IN1588
                [customer_name] => SOPHAT VANN
                [mobile_num] => 9494668372
                [opus_amount] => 70
                [rq4_amount] => 25
                [difference] => -45
                [ocomment] => No Response.  Re-Upload
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-20

        [4] => Array
                [store_id] => 4166
                [employee_uid] => 568494
                [opus_id] => ab7598
                [item_description] => PRE ATT $40 RTR
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-20
                [opus_transaction_num] => X8F58P3JL2RFU
                [opus_invoice_num] => I4166IN2481
                [customer_name] => KELLY MC GUIRE
                [mobile_num] => 6189468180
                [opus_amount] => 40
                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -40
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: The invoice number that you provided (I4166IN2481) belongs to September transaction.  We need RQ4 transaction for October.  If you're unable to provide the October invoice, it will be counted as EPin shortage.
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-21

        [5] => Array
                [store_id] => 4508
                [employee_uid] => 552502
                [opus_id] => ec850x
                [item_description] => $30 RTR
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-20
                [opus_transaction_num] => XPL7M1BJL1W5D
                [opus_invoice_num] => M4508IN6024
                [customer_name] => PREPAID CUSTOMER
                [mobile_num] => 6019109730
                [opus_amount] => 30
                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -30
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: The invoice number you provided (M4508IN7217) belongs to a different phone number.  We need RQ4 transaction for the phone number in question.  If you're unable to provide the RQ4 invoice for this transaction, it will be counted as EPin shortage.
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-21

        [6] => Array
                [store_id] => 3904
                [employee_uid] => 35818
                [opus_id] => tj539j
                [item_description] => PRE $45 PAYG PINLESS REFILL
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-20
                [opus_transaction_num] => XM1PZQSJL215F
                [opus_invoice_num] => N3904IN1410
                [customer_name] => DORTHY JONES
                [mobile_num] => 3365982631
                [opus_amount] => 90
                [rq4_amount] => 45
                [difference] => -45
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: Please email the details to Treasury and confirm
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-21

        [7] => Array
                [store_id] => 1820
                [employee_uid] => 59883
                [opus_id] => cb9406
                [item_description] => PRE ATT $25 PNLS 90EXP
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-20
                [opus_transaction_num] => XTBJO14JL25OE
                [opus_invoice_num] => SEVIEIN19013
                [customer_name] => RON NELSON
                [mobile_num] => 8653821076
                [opus_amount] => 25
                [rq4_amount] => 5
                [difference] => -20
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: We have been charged in opus for $25. Provide RQ4 invoice number for remaining amount
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-21

        [8] => Array
                [store_id] => 0178
                [employee_uid] => 572547
                [opus_id] => ms5674
                [item_description] => PRE $45 PAYG PINLESS REFILL
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-21
                [opus_transaction_num] => XT29916JL4S69
                [opus_invoice_num] => T0178BP1590
                [customer_name] => GABRIEL LONGORIA JR
                [mobile_num] => 4322133450
                [opus_amount] => 45
                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -45
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: Please email the details to Treasury and confirm
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-22

        [9] => Array
                [store_id] => 2180
                [employee_uid] => 7842
                [opus_id] => lm854y
                [item_description] => $30 RTR
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-21
                [opus_transaction_num] => XC9U712JL4LA4
                [opus_invoice_num] => KETERIN1836
                [customer_name] => PETE JABLONSKI
                [mobile_num] => 9374092680
                [opus_amount] => 30
                [rq4_amount] => 40
                [difference] => 10
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: Credit the remaining balance to customers account in OPUS and email confirmation to Treasury
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-22

 [63] => Array
                [store_id] => 0175
                [employee_uid] => 33738
                [opus_id] => ph5953
                [item_description] => PRE ATT $40 RTR
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-21
                [opus_transaction_num] => XE5N31DJL51RA
                [opus_invoice_num] => T0175IN4563
                [customer_name] => WILLIE TAYLOR
                [mobile_num] => 6822701188
                [opus_amount] => 40
                [rq4_amount] => 50
                [difference] => 10
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: Credit the remaining balance to customers account in OPUS and email confirmation to Treasury
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-22

于 2019-11-05T18:45:41.460 回答

我使用以下代码阅读“xls and xlsx”:

    include 'PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';


    $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($location);
    $sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);
    $total_rows = $sheet->getHighestRow();
    $total_columns = $sheet->getHighestColumn();
    for($row =2; $row <= $total_rows; $row++) {
        $singlerow = $sheet->rangeToArray('A' . $row . ':' . $total_columns . $row, NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
            $set_excel_query['opus_transaction_date']= date('Y-m-d', PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($single_row[4]));
            $set_excel_query['upload_date']= date('Y-m-d', PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($single_row[14]));

于 2019-11-05T18:41:23.890 回答