我无法在 Python 3 上使用 nidaqxm 从 NI DAQ 获取连续数据。


import nidaqmx
from nidaqmx import constants
from nidaqmx import stream_readers
from nidaqmx import stream_writers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#user input Acquisition
Ch00_name = 'A00'
Sens_Ch00 = 100#sensibilidade em mV/g
Ch01_name = 'A01'
Sens_Ch01 = 100#sensibilidade em mV/g
fs_acq = 1651 #sample frequency
t_med = 2 #time to acquire data

with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
    task.ai_channels.add_ai_accel_chan(physical_channel="cDAQ9191-1B7B393Mod1/ai0", name_to_assign_to_channel=Ch00_name,
                                       sensitivity=Sens_Ch00, min_val=-5, max_val=5, current_excit_val=0.002)
    task.ai_channels.add_ai_accel_chan(physical_channel="cDAQ9191-1B7B393Mod1/ai1", name_to_assign_to_channel=Ch01_name,
                                       sensitivity=Sens_Ch01, min_val=-5, max_val=5, current_excit_val=0.002)

    task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(rate=fs_acq, sample_mode= constants.AcquisitionType.CONTINUOUS, samps_per_chan=(t_med * fs_acq),)

    reader = stream_readers.AnalogMultiChannelReader(task.in_stream)
    writer = stream_writers.AnalogMultiChannelWriter(task.out_stream)



1 回答 1


您需要注册一个回调函数。我假设您的盒子正在运行,并且有某种类型的状态 LED 闪烁以表明任务正在运行。

import nidaqmx
from nidaqmx import constants
from nidaqmx import stream_readers
from nidaqmx import stream_writers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

#user input Acquisition
Ch00_name = 'A00'
Sens_Ch00 = 100#sensibilidade em mV/g
Ch01_name = 'A01'
Sens_Ch01 = 100#sensibilidade em mV/g
num_channels = 2
fs_acq = 1651 #sample frequency
t_med = 2 #time to acquire data

with nidaqmx.Task() as task:
    task.ai_channels.add_ai_accel_chan(physical_channel="cDAQ9191-1B7B393Mod1/ai0", name_to_assign_to_channel=Ch00_name,
                                       sensitivity=Sens_Ch00, min_val=-5, max_val=5, current_excit_val=0.002)
    task.ai_channels.add_ai_accel_chan(physical_channel="cDAQ9191-1B7B393Mod1/ai1", name_to_assign_to_channel=Ch01_name,
                                       sensitivity=Sens_Ch01, min_val=-5, max_val=5, current_excit_val=0.002)

    task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(rate=fs_acq, sample_mode=constants.AcquisitionType.CONTINUOUS, 
                                    samps_per_chan=(t_med * fs_acq),) # you may not need samps_per_chan

    # I set an input_buf_size
    samples_per_buffer = int(fs_acq // 30)  # 30 hz update
    # task.in_stream.input_buf_size = samples_per_buffer * 10  # plus some extra space

    reader = stream_readers.AnalogMultiChannelReader(task.in_stream)
    writer = stream_writers.AnalogMultiChannelWriter(task.out_stream)

    def reading_task_callback(task_idx, event_type, num_samples, callback_data=None):
        """After data has been read into the NI buffer this callback is called to read in the data from the buffer.

        This callback is for working with the task callback register_every_n_samples_acquired_into_buffer_event.

            task_idx (int): Task handle index value
            event_type (nidaqmx.constants.EveryNSamplesEventType): ACQUIRED_INTO_BUFFER
            num_samples (int): Number of samples that was read into the buffer.
            callback_data (object)[None]: No idea. Documentation says: The callback_data parameter contains the value
                you passed in the callback_data parameter of this function.
        buffer = np.zeros((num_channels, num_samples), dtype=np.float32)
        reader.read_many_sample(buffer, num_samples, timeout=constants.WAIT_INFINITELY)

        # Convert the data from channel as a row order to channel as a column
        data = buffer.T.astype(np.float32)

        # Do something with the data

    task.register_every_n_samples_acquired_into_buffer_event(samples_per_buffer, reading_task_callback)


于 2019-05-29T18:03:03.000 回答