我正在尝试使用查询参数和 .NET Kusto SDK 对 Azure 数据资源管理器集群执行 KQL 查询。
我尝试将参数放在大括号 {} 内并且没有大括号。
我已阅读有关将参数传递给查询的文档,但我找不到任何示例说明通过 .NET SDK 将查询传递给 Azure 数据资源管理器时的外观。
当我在工具中设置参数时,我的查询在 Kusto.Explorer 工具中有效,但在使用 SDK 时我没有运气。
var queryParameters = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "myscope", "scope001" },
{ "startdate", "2019-01-01" },
{ "enddate", "2019-01-30" },
{ "author", "Bob Jammo" }
var query = @"declare query_parameters (myscope:string, startdate:string, enddate:string, author:string);
| where Scope == ""{myscope}""
and EventTime between (datetime({startdate}) .. datetime({enddate}))
and EventType == ""product""
and User.Email <> """"
| mv-expand Payload.products
| where Payload_products.authors contains ""{author}""
| distinct DeviceId
| count";
using (var client = KustoClientFactory.CreateCslQueryProvider(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdxConnectionString"]))
var clientRequestProperties = new Kusto.Data.Common.ClientRequestProperties(
options: null,
parameters: queryParameters);
clientRequestProperties.ClientRequestId = StepsBase.ScenarioScope;
using (var reader = client.ExecuteQuery(query, clientRequestProperties))
return Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]);