Im trying to prove the following lemma:
Inductive even : nat → Prop :=
| ev_0 : even 0
| ev_SS (n : nat) (H : even n) : even (S (S n)).
Lemma even_Sn_not_even_n : forall n,
even (S n) <-> not (even n).
intros n. split.
+ intros H. unfold not. intros H1. induction H1 as [|n' E' IHn].
- inversion H.
- inversion_clear H. apply IHn in H0. apply H0.
+ unfold not. intros H. induction n as [|n' E' IHn].
Here is what I got at the end:
1 subgoal (ID 173)
H : even 0 -> False
even 1
I want coq to evaluate "even 0" to true and "even 1" to false. I tried simpl
, apply ev_0 in H.
but they give an error. What to do?