>IndentationError in line 10, or at the END of:
> while ((while_bolian == "") and (correct_count >= 0) and (total_count != 0)) or ((while_bolian == True) and (correct_count >= 0) and (total_count != 0)):
但是,我所有的缩进似乎都是正确的,我使用的是 pycharm,如果我将光标放在上面的代码行之后,它会说Indent Expected
total_count = int(input("how many questions do you want to be in the quizz \n10.\n50.\n100.\n:"))
while ((while_bolian == "") and (correct_count >= 0) and (total_count != 0)) or ((while_bolian == True) and (correct_count >= 0) and (total_count != 0)):
except ValueError:
print("please enter a question limit")
> line 10
except ValueError:
IndentationError: expected an indented block
> Process finished with exit code 1