I Have created a dialog in a class, the dialog method is as below
static void dialog(Args _args)
Dialog dialog;
DialogField dialogFieldCurrentState;
DialogField dialogFieldNewState;
CustInvoiceTable custInvoiceTable;
custInvoiceTable = _args.record();
dialog = new Dialog("Change State");
dialogFieldCurrentState = dialog.addField(TypeID(State_LT),"Current State: ");
dialogFieldNewState = dialog.addField(TypeID(State_LT),"New State: ");
if (dialog.run())
custInvoiceTable.State = dialogFieldNewState.value();
in my dialog there are two fileds Current State
and New State
.Now when i select the New State
the list of all
states is displayed(irrespective of country) which i dont want. Only the states respective of country has to be shown
in the lookup
. I need to make use of a filter something like e.g. while select while select AddressState
where addressState.CountryRegionId == custInvoiceTable.CountryRegionId;
so that only states which
are related to a country is shown.
State_LT here is an string EDT (where i put in the relation of State_LT) State_LT == AddressState.StateId
IN AdressState there is a method lookupStateId(), How to call it from a dialog(code above) ?