试图从 Wheezy 升级到 Jessie(我知道,晚了)。

我已经发现,尽管 heartbeat、pacemaker 和 corosync 版本号几乎没有变化,但它的工作方式却发生了很大变化。我正在使用这篇文章https://wiki.debian.org/Debian-HA/ClustersFromScratch来安装它。

但是,我无法使用原始配置启动集群。它报告 ERROR: status: crm_mon (rc=107): Connection to cluster failed: Transport endpoint is not connected


May 25 01:07:59 [4989] domainname.com        cib:   notice: main:      Using legacy config location: /var/lib/heartbeat/crm
May 25 01:07:59 [4989] domainname.com        cib:     info: get_cluster_type:  Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
May 25 01:07:59 [4989] domainname.com        cib:     info: get_cluster_type:  Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
May 25 01:07:59 [4989] domainname.com        cib:     info: retrieveCib:       Reading cluster configuration file /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml (digest: /var/lib/heartbeat/crm
May 25 01:07:59 [4992] domainname.com      attrd:     info: corosync_node_name:        Unable to get node name for nodeid 2130...
May 25 01:07:59 [4992] domainname.com      attrd:   notice: get_node_name:     Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
May 25 01:07:59 [4992] domainname.com      attrd:     info: crm_get_peer:      Node 2130... is now known as domainname.com
May 25 01:07:59 [4990] domainname.com stonith-ng:     info: corosync_node_name:        Unable to get node name for nodeid 2130...
May 25 01:07:59 [4990] domainname.com stonith-ng:   notice: get_node_name:     Defaulting to uname -n for the local corosync node name
May 25 01:07:59 [4990] domainname.com stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:      Node 2130... is now known as domainname.com
May 25 01:07:59 [4992] domainname.com      attrd:     info: main:      Cluster connection active
May 25 01:07:59 [4992] domainname.com      attrd:     info: qb_ipcs_us_publish:        server name: attrd
May 25 01:07:59 [4992] domainname.com      attrd:     info: main:      Accepting attribute updates
May 25 01:07:59 [4989] domainname.com        cib:     info: validate_with_relaxng:     Creating RNG parser context
May 25 01:07:59 [4987] domainname.com pacemakerd:    error: pcmk_child_exit:   The cib process (4989) exited: Key has expired (127)

当我删除 /var/lib/heartbeat/crm 时,它至少会启动,这样我就可以进行 crm 状态。



pacemaker/wheezy uptodate 1.1.7-1
libcorosync4/wheezy uptodate 1.4.2-3
heartbeat/wheezy uptodate 1:3.0.5-3
libheartbeat2/wheezy uptodate 1:3.0.5-3


pacemaker:amd64/jessie-backports 1.1.16-1~bpo8+1 uptodate
corosync:amd64/jessie-backports 2.4.2-3+deb9u1~bpo8+1 uptodate
libcorosync-common4:amd64/jessie-backports 2.4.2-3+deb9u1~bpo8+1 uptodate
libcorosync4:all/jessie 1.4.6-1.1 uptodate
heartbeat:amd64/jessie 1:3.0.5+hg12629-1.2 uptodate
libheartbeat2:amd64/jessie 1:3.0.5+hg12629-1.2 uptodate

1 回答 1


阅读http://www.linux-ha.org/doc/users-guide/_upgrading_from_crm_enabled_heartbeat_2_1_clusters.html#_backing_up_the_cib似乎正确的做法是删除 /var/lib/heartbeat/crm 除了 /var/ 中的所有内容lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml

...不知道为什么心跳/喘息 3.0.5-3 会像 2.1 但它确实有道理...


于 2019-05-27T18:16:12.417 回答