这是我关于 SO 的第一个问题。如果我在问的方式上犯了错误,请原谅我,如果是这样,请让我不要。

我目前正在尝试以编程方式对 ComboBox 中的项目进行排序。

我正在填充 CB 的数据现在处理如下: - 从数据库(sqllite)查询 - 用结果填充数据表 - 从组合框填充项目范围


到目前为止:我现在的方法是混合类似主题的答案。我尝试使用 DataTable 中的辅助列来分隔字符串/整数中的给定值,然后我想根据这两个辅助值的内容进行排序。



' This function adds items to the referred ComboBox "cb" based on the data from the given DataTable "tbl". 
' "tbl" in every case consists of one column named "value":
' -The number of rows varies.
' -The column type is undefined (varies too).
' -Data can be like: "Sicherungsscheibe", "156.4", "780", "M10" (Examples!) 
'  These are values which are describing attributes like "length", "material", "thread", "diameter", "type".
Sub AddItemsOfTableToComboBox(ByRef cb As ComboBox, tbl As DataTable)

    ' Use temporary DataTable and copy each value from within the source column to "tempTB", 
    ' beacause a type conversion on already source bound columns is not possible. 
    Dim tempDT As New DataTable("tempDT")
    Dim DataSet1 As New DataSet
    tempDT = tbl.Clone()
    tempDT.Columns("value").DataType = GetType(String)
    For Each row As DataRow In tbl.Rows
    ' Fill first temporary column "Scol1". Check first char (only) for a letter. This approach should be sufficient for values like "M12". 
        ' This one works, and gives the desired feedback: It copies every string from the column "value" to "Scol1" which are beginning with "B".
        tempDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Scol1", GetType(String)) With {.Expression = "iif (substring(value,1,1) like 'B',substring(value,1,len(value)),'else')"})
        ' Same as above, beacuse case insensitive.
        tempDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Scol1", GetType(String)) With {.Expression = "iif (substring(value,1,1) like 'B',substring(value,1,len(value)),'else')"})

        ' This one works. Here I want to copy every non digit char. But however, the feedback is always 'else'.
        tempDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Scol1", GetType(String)) With {.Expression = "iif (substring(value,1,1) like '\D',substring(value,1,len(value)),'else')"})

        ' Doenst work: '[A-Z]' is invalid.  
        tempDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Scol1", GetType(String)) With {.Expression = "iif (substring(value,1,1) like '[A-Z]',substring(value,1,len(value)),'else')"})

        ' This one works. But feedback is always 'else'.
        tempDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Scol1", GetType(String)) With {.Expression = "iif (substring(value,1,1) like '[[]A-Z[]]',substring(value,1,len(value)),'else')"})
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    ' Fill second temp column "Scol2"
        tempDT.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Scol2", GetType(Integer)) With {.Expression = "Convert(iif (substring(value,2,len(value)) like '\d',substring(value,2,len(value)),'0'),  'System.Int32')"})
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

    'Dim View As New DataView(tbl)
    'View.Sort = "Scol1,Scol2"
    'View.Table = DataSet1.Tables("tempDT")

    ' Here I would had convert "tempDT" into "tbl" again somehow.

    With cb
        Dim items = tbl.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(d) DirectCast(d(0).ToString(), Object)).ToArray()
        If items.Length > 0 Then
            .Parent.Enabled = True
            .Sorted = True
            ' Disable corresponding Panel(parent) if for some reason there are no items to fill the ComboBox with.
            ' (f.e. if there's a recorded class but no corresponding subclass, or
            ' there's a recorded class/category without any parts referred to it.)
            .Parent.Enabled = False
        End If
    End With
End Sub

我希望定义一组字符的模式能够正常工作。到目前为止,我对使用 lambda 表达式、处理 DataTables/Views 或使用正则表达式不是很熟悉/没有经验。



1 回答 1



"ColumnName LIKE '*value*'"
于 2019-05-23T12:15:58.620 回答