我的点坐标在地理坐标系中。他们在记忆中。我需要使用 Ruby 中的 RGeo 库找到线串上离给定点最近的点。
我的场景是在 googlemap 中将点绘制为折线作为道路表示,并且位置是我车辆的位置。我需要一条最短的路才能到达那条路。
PostGIS 中有解决方案,但我的数据在内存中,我不想使用 Postgresql 仅用于此目的。
我正在检查 RGeo gem,但找不到与此相关的任何线索。
我的点坐标在地理坐标系中。他们在记忆中。我需要使用 Ruby 中的 RGeo 库找到线串上离给定点最近的点。
我的场景是在 googlemap 中将点绘制为折线作为道路表示,并且位置是我车辆的位置。我需要一条最短的路才能到达那条路。
PostGIS 中有解决方案,但我的数据在内存中,我不想使用 Postgresql 仅用于此目的。
我正在检查 RGeo gem,但找不到与此相关的任何线索。
这里有详细描述:https ://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rgeo-users/e1FgzpPISs8
# Create a Geos factory that uses the ffi interface
factory = RGeo::Geos.factory(:native_interface => :ffi)
# Create your polyline and point A using that ffi-backed factory.
# You can create the objects directly using the factory, or cast objects to the
# factory, whatever is the easiest way for you to get objects that are attached
# to the ffi factory.
polyline = factory.line_string( ... )
point = factory.point( ... )
# Objects that are attached to an ffi-geos factory provide access, via the
# fg_geom method, to low-level objects that understand the ffi-geos api.
# This is not really documented well, but it's a stable api that you can use.
low_level_polyline = polyline.fg_geom
low_level_point = point.fg_geom
# Now invoke the low-level libgeos calls.
# This first method, "project", gives you the distance "along" the linestring
# where it comes closest to the given point.
dist = low_level_polyline.project(low_level_point)
# This second method, "interpolate", takes a distance "along" the linestring,
# and returns the actual point on the linestring.
low_level_closest_point = low_level_polyline.interpolate(dist)
# Finally, wrap the low-level result in an RGeo point object
closest_point = factory.wrap_fg_geom(low_level_closest_point)