我正试图围绕 Wolfram 语言(我没有使用 Mathematica 的经验)。
tell me the dates and start/finish times of 'dark, socially friendly viewing opportunities during school holidays' where
* 'socially friendly' means between after 10am and before 10:30pm in local time at my vantage point
* it is 'dark' for at least an hour
* where 'dark' means:
* it's between astronomical sunset and astronomical dawn
* the moon is either not risen, or less than 15% of its face is lit
* 'school holidays' means school holidays in NSW, Australia, in 2019 (which Wolfram Alpha doesn't 'implicitly know')
put such dates and times as events into my Google Calendar somehow :-)
解决这个玩具问题将帮助我欣赏在这个平台上解决问题的“方法”,它似乎迎合了 Wolfram 系统的优势。另外,每年查找资料可以为我节省一两个小时:-)
我将如何在 Wolfram 语言“程序”(方程式?)中处理这个问题?我可以在 Wolfram-Alpha 中执行此操作还是需要获取引擎?