I have a keyspace nba with replication factor 2 (I know, it should be 3 but I cannot change it currently).

My scylla DB is 3 nodes (P1, P2 and P3).

I did nodetool describering nba and saw that each tokenRange is either written on P3 or replicated on P3. Therefore, my node P3 contains every data, is full and cannot run anymore.
(both decribering and the check of the size confirm that)

Is there a way to change that distribution and get a more even one?

EDIT : Yes, I changed my RF from 3 to 2


1 回答 1


With a replication factor of 2 each node holds two thirds of the data. Double check your findings.

于 2019-05-22T19:24:01.810 回答