我想在 python 中执行一个 pskill.exe 命令。在 dos-prompt 中尝试过:C:\Users\JohanSA\Documents\EclipseWorkspace\ProdataATFBASE\src\resources\pskill.exe \localhost -t 11780 --> 工作得很好!
==> 但我想通过 Python 运行相同的命令。
prodataOSLib.executeCmd("pskill.exe -t 11780", True, True)
--> 干得好!
现在我想将计算机名添加到 pskill 突击队
prodataOSLib.executeCmd("pskill.exe \\localhost -t 11780", True, True)
登录 executeCmd 函数说:
11-04-2011 13:35:15 [prodataoslib-executeCmd] - 调试:执行命令:C:\Users\JohanSA\Documents\EclipseWorkspace\ProdataATFBASE\src\resources\pskill.exe \localhost -t 11780
--> 问题是“localhost”这个词之前只有1个反斜杠-->但是我怎么能在“localhost”之前有这2个反斜杠呢?
这是 executeCmd 函数:
def executeCmd (self,command, useResourceFolder=False, resultlogging=False):
''' Execute a command (default from current execution-folder) like you should type it in a DOS-prompt.
command = the command to be executed
useResourceFolder = False (=default) or True --> set True if you want to execute a file from the resourcefolder.
resultlogging = True when you want logging the result.
return: List with result-messages or error-messages
if useResourceFolder:
command = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.currentdir, "..", "resources",command)) # Set path from resource directory
self.logger.debug("Executing command: %s" % command)
output = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
resultfile = output.stdout
resultmessageList = []
for i in resultfile.readlines():
if resultlogging:
if len(resultmessageList) > 0:
for messageline in resultmessageList:
resultstring = resultstring + messageline.replace('\n', '')
self.logger.debug("RESULT MESSAGE: %s " % resultstring)
return resultmessageList
except OSError, e:
self.logger.error("Execution FAILED. Exception: %s" %(e))