在 python 中处理文本文件时,似乎 .tell() 方法不是很可靠。我正在尝试使用这种方法来代替在其他编程语言中发现的 EOF 条件。

由于各种原因,我不想使用 FOR 循环来迭代文本文件,而是使用 WHILE 循环。

下面是一些复制问题的代码。我已经包含了将以随机方式生成 test.txt 文本文件的代码:

import re
from random import randint

def file_len_lines(f_name):
    with open(f_name) as f:
        for i, l in enumerate(f):
    return i + 1

def file_len_chars(f_name, with_nls):
    char_count = 0
    with open(f_name) as f:
        for line in f:
            char_count += len(line)
            if with_nls:
                char_count += 1
    return char_count

def trim(sut):
    return re.sub(' +', ' ', sut).strip()

# Create test file
with open("test.txt", "w") as f:
    word_list = ("Betty Eats Cakes And Uncle Sells Eggs "*20).split()
    word_list[3] = ""
    # for num in range(len(word_list)):
    #     if randint(1, 2) == 1:
    #         word_list[num] = ""
    for word in word_list:
        print(word, file=f)

file_to_read = 'test.txt'
# file_to_read = 'Fibonacci Tree 01.log'

with open(file_to_read, "r") as f:
    count = 0
    file_length = file_len_chars(file_to_read, True)
    file_length_lines = file_len_lines(file_to_read)
    print(f"Lines in file = {file_length_lines}, Characters in file = {file_length}")
    while f.tell() < file_length:
        count += 1
        text_line = f.readline()
        print(f"Line = {count}, ", end="")
        print(f"Tell = {f.tell()}, ", end="")
        print(f"Length {len(text_line)} ", end="")
        if text_line in ['', '\n']:
        elif trim(text_line).upper()[0] in "A E I O U".split():
            print(text_line, end='')


Lines in file = 140, Characters in file = 897
Line = 1, Tell = 7, Length 6 1
Line = 2, Tell = 13, Length 5 Eats
Line = 3, Tell = 20, Length 6 3
Line = 138, Tell = 884, Length 6 Uncle
Line = 139, Tell = 891, Length 6 139
Line = 140, Tell = 897, Length 5 Eggs

Process finished with exit code 0


Lines in file = 140, Characters in file = 605
Line = 1, Tell = 7, Length 6 1
Line = 2, Tell = 18446744073709551630, Length 5 Eats

Process finished with exit code 0

您可以看到,在上面输出的最后一行,.tell() 方法的输出变得混乱,没有循环遍历所有 140 行。

我正在寻找一种方法来使 .tell() 方法运行或以另一种方式检测 EOF 条件以中断 WHILE 循环。

同样,网上找到的大多数建议都说“使用 FOR 循环进行迭代”。出于各种难以解释的原因,我不想这样做。(简而言之,由于我打算遵循嵌套流程图,这将使我的原始代码的性质非常笨拙。)


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