尝试运行存储过程时出现“光标状态无效”错误。第 13 个参数充当两个 IN/OUT,在两种情况下都返回值,但在更新时需要参数值。当我尝试在 IBM iSerires 中运行但通过 java 失败时,此存储过程有效。不知道我在这里缺少什么。提前致谢。

public String saveContact(Contact payload, Context cntx, String contactType) {

    Connection connection = null;
    String headerKey = null;
    try {
        connection = ds.getConnection();
        CallableStatement callable = invokeStoredProc(connection, payload, contactType);

        ResultSet rs = callable.executeQuery();  //ERRORS OUT HERE
        while (rs.next()) {
            headerKey = rs.getString(13);
        String output = callable.getString(14);
            logger.error("WISE Stored proc execution results an errorCode: " + output.trim());

    } catch (Exception e) {

        logger.error("Exception here. {}", e.getMessage());

    } finally {
        try {
            if (connection != null) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            logger.error("closing database connection: {} ", e.getMessage());
    return headerKey;

public CallableStatement invokeStoredProc(Connection connection, Contact payload, String contactType) throws Exception {
    logger.info("Calling WISE stored proc through invokeWISECustomerContactStoredProc()");

    CallableStatement call = connection.prepareCall("{CALL CONTACT_SP(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}");
        logger.info("Contact already exists. Set to update it");

        call.setString(1, "UPDATE");
        call.registerOutParameter(13, Types.CHAR);
        call.setString(13, "345");


        logger.info("Set to save the new contact.");
        call.setString(1, "ADD");
        call.registerOutParameter(13, Types.CHAR);
        call.setString(13, "");

    call.setString(1, "ADD");
    call.setString(2, "00345");
    call.setString(3, "000245");
    call.setString(4, "Mr");
    call.setString(5, "Mark");
    call.setString(6, "T");
    call.setString(7, "Taylor");
    call.setString(8, "taylor@yahoo.com");
    call.setString(9, "9375551456");
    call.setString(10, "9375551789");
    call.setString(11, "9375551345");
    call.setString(12, "MarkT02");
    call.setString(14, "");
    call.registerOutParameter(14, Types.CHAR);
    return call;

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