我正在尝试使用 Closure中的简单“Hello World”示例开始使用plovr :Michael Bolin 的权威指南。但是我的构建会产生错误。有人可以告诉我我的错误吗?




goog.provide( 'example' );
goog.require( 'goog.dom' );  // line 2

example.sayHello = function( message ) {
    goog.dom.getElement( 'hello' ).innerHTML = message;

goog.exportSymbol( 'example.sayHello', example.sayHello );


    "id": "hello-plovr",
    "inputs": "hello.js",
    "paths": "."

这是我的构建结果(如果有问题,我会加入 Java 版本):

C:\hello-plovr> java -jar plovr-0744c5209a34.jar build hello-config.js
JSC_MISSING_PROVIDE_ERROR. required "goog.dom" namespace never provided at hello.js line 2 : 12
BUILD FAILED: 1 Errors, 0 Warnings


万一这很重要,这是使用 Java 1.6.0_24 运行的:

C:\hello-plovr> java -version
java version "1.6.0_24"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode)

2 回答 2


如上所述,这最初是由于 plovr 中的一个错误:


但是,plovr 中的这个错误已得到修复,并在 2011 年 4 月发布的 plovr 中可用。

于 2011-07-05T21:00:35.703 回答

使用更新版本的 plovr(2011 年 4 月或更高版本)或不要在goog.require. 更改hello.js,第 2 行如下:

goog.require('goog.dom');  // NO SPACES

在此处报告为 plovr 错误:http ://code.google.com/p/plovr/issues/detail?id=37

Plovr 作者建议使用closure- linter ,因为它会警告空格问题:

PS C:\hello-plovr> gjslint --strict hello.js
----- FILE  :  C:\hello-plovr\hello.js -----
Line 4, E:0007: (New error) Should have 2 blank lines between top-level blocks.
Line 5, E:0214: Missing description in @param tag
Line 7, E:0001: Extra space after "("
Line 7, E:0001: Extra space before ")"
Line 8, E:0005: Illegal tab in whitespace before "goog.dom.getElement"
Line 8, E:0001: Extra space after "("
Line 8, E:0001: Extra space before ")"
Line 9, E:0011: Missing semicolon after function assigned to a variable
Line 11, E:0001: Extra space after "("
Line 11, E:0001: Extra space before ")"
Found 10 errors, including 1 new errors, in 1 files (0 files OK).

Some of the errors reported by GJsLint may be auto-fixable using the script
fixjsstyle. Please double check any changes it makes and report any bugs. The
script can be run by executing:

fixjsstyle --strict hello.js

如前所述,该fixjsstyle实用程序(在安装closure-linter 时包含)可以修复一些错误,但不是全部。可能需要进行一些手工编辑。这是hello.js的 lint 兼容版本:


 * @param {string} message A greeting message.
example.sayHello = function(message) {
  goog.dom.getElement('hello').innerHTML = message;

goog.exportSymbol('example.sayHello', example.sayHello);
于 2011-04-11T05:31:05.063 回答