我一直在尝试自定义自定义授权方以在令牌过期时注销用户或将用户重定向到登录页面。我正在使用 auth0、api-gate,我对这两者都是新手,并且我正在使用 aws-node 和 jwt 来验证用户令牌。

这是我的 authorizer.js

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
exports.handler = (event) {
  const token = event.authorizationToken;
  try {
    jwt.verify(token,.....) // I am verifing token and I get back expired token and hitting the catch block but, there I don't know how to make the user redirect or respond with 302, I have tried many ways
  } catch(e) { 
      // what to do here?



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