我正在使用 FIX Timestamp 20180605-03:10:33.0240756,我需要解析它DA.Time以作为贸易信息的一部分持续存在。我还需要将微秒作为响应消息 (ACK/NACK) 的一部分返回。


目前,我使用 DA.Time 时间构造函数最多只能存储几秒钟。查看https://docs.daml.com/daml/stdlib/base.html#data-prelude-time-24894,似乎检索微秒的方法是:

  1. 创建另一个无微秒的时间
  2. subTime既要得到RelTime
  3. 呼入microseconds_RelTime



1 回答 1


在通常情况下,我建议在分类帐外进行字符串解析并在 asDateTime类型中传递日期和时间,但听起来您需要在 DAML 中在分类帐上执行此操作。

您的第一个问题涉及将字符串解析为DA.Time. 目前没有内置的通用日期/时间解析功能,因此您必须自己构建。对于像您这样的固定格式,模式匹配非常简单:

daml 1.2
module ParseTime where

import DA.Assert
import DA.Optional
import DA.Text
import DA.Time
import DA.Date

-- | `parseUTC` takes a string in the format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss.SSS"
-- and converts it to `Time`, assuming the time is in UTC
-- Time is truncated to whole microseconds.
parseDateTimeUTC utc = datetime yy mon dd h m s `addRelTime` micros
    -- Split out the micro seconds to stay under
    -- pattern match complexity limit
    [dt, ms] = splitOn "." utc
    -- Pattern match on `explode` to check
    -- the format and assign names to characters
    [ y1, y2, y3, y4, mon1, mon2, d1, d2, "-",
      h1, h2, ":", m1, m2, ":", s1, s2
      ] = explode dt
    -- The function will fail on `fromSome` if any of the
    -- integer strings don't parse
    unsafeParse = fromSome . parseInt . implode
    -- Map the parse function over grouped characters and
    -- pattern match the result to give names to the Ints
    [yy, imon, dd, h, m, s, imic] = map unsafeParse
      [[y1, y2, y3, y4], [mon1, mon2], [d1, d2],
      [h1, h2], [m1, m2], [s1, s2], explode $ T.take 6 ms]
    -- Process month and microseconds into `Month` and
    -- `Reltime` types
    mon = toEnum $ imon - 1
    mic = 10 ^ (max 0 (6 - T.length ms)) * imic
    micros = convertMicrosecondsToRelTime mic

t = scenario do
  let t = time (date 2018 Jun 05) 03 10 33 `addRelTime` convertMicrosecondsToRelTime 24075
  parseDateTimeUTC "20180605-03:10:33.0240756" === t

要在DA.Time微秒和微秒之间转换,我们需要选择时区。假设 UTC,我们可以定义

epochUTC = datetime 1970 Jan 1 0 0 0
microToTimeUTC n = epoch `addRelTime` convertMicrosecondsToRelTime n
timeToMicroUTC t = convertRelTimeToMicroseconds $ t `subTime` epoch

t2 = scenario do
  microToTimeUTC 1557733583000000 === datetime 2019 May 13 07 46 23
  timeToMicroUTC (datetime 2019 May 13 07 46 23) === 1557733583000000


如果您想要现有 的微秒组件DA.Time,您只需要微秒表示的最后六位数字:

micros t = timeToMicroUTC t % 1000000

t3 = scenario do
  micros (parseDateTimeUTC "20180605-03:10:33.0240756") === 24075


于 2019-05-13T08:00:17.877 回答