I'm in windows XP, and the vim TagList plugin only behaves correctly if the file I'm coding in is inside the Ctag58 folder. Otherwise it just genetats a list of my open files without tags.

I've tried adding the catalog to path and the vim command :let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd='C:\Program\Ctags58\ctags.exe' and it didn't work but then in.

I went through the the taglist FAQ:

But the last to "dots" of part 1. of the http://vim-taglist.sourceforge.net/faq.html were they speak of temp and tmp variables . I can't make heads or tails of that part. Could this be my problem? How do i tell...


1 回答 1



无需进一步寻找,我建议您将 ctags.exe 可执行文件的路径添加到您的环境(Win+ Break,高级,环境,当前用户,PATH,编辑,附加;C:\Program Files\Wherever\ctags\bin(当然您必须使用实际路径而不是这个样本)。

然后你需要重新启动 vim 来测试它

于 2011-04-10T00:10:23.160 回答