我已经编写了一个代码段来将 wav 文件刻录到音频 CD 中。它工作正常,但是,在执行验证的最后一步时,它在某些 DVD 驱动器上失败。这些文件实际上被刻录到 CD 中,并且可以毫无问题地播放。但是验证似乎无缘无故地失败了。我可以关闭验证。但是,我更喜欢编写另一个函数来手动检查烧录文件并验证它们是 wav 文件的实际结果。我能够做到这一点来刻录数据 CD。但是对于音频 CD,因为它将它们转换为光盘上的 cda 文件,我无法比较它们。关于如何使用 C# 验证它们的任何建议?基本上让我们假设我有一张包含几个 .cda 文件的音频 CD,我想确保它们是从原始 wav 文件实际转换的文件。
1 回答
将 cda 文件转换为 wav
将 cda 转换为 wav 文件并不容易。
您必须使用一些非托管内存和指针来从 cd 读取数据。
readcd 过程验证驱动器是 cdrom 驱动器
Kernel32 中的 CreateFile 来获取驱动器的句柄。接下来,我们使用该句柄来查看驱动器是否准备好使用
kerenl32 中的 DeviceIoControl 进行读取。如果驱动器准备就绪,那么我们再次使用 DeviceIoControl 查看它是否具有有效的目录(以下称为 TOC)。
如果 TOC 有效,那么我们接下来使用 DeviceIoControl 读取 TOC。
使用 TOC,我们可以确定 CD 上有多少曲目(
这里没有文件 IO;我们已经有了 TOC)。然后在迭代中
我们将 TOC 跟踪数据转换为名为
TRACK_DATA 的 kernel32 结构。使用该结构,我们能够确定哪个扇区包含该轨道的开头。
而 l 扇区将比下一磁道的起始扇区少一个扇区。旁注:有许多指向结构和字节数组的指针,因此它们之间也有很多来回转换
我们创建了一个 kernel32 RAW_READ_INFO 结构,用于在
DeviceIoControl 调用中读取扇区。该结构通知 DeviceIoControl 调用我们正在读取一张 CD,并且我们正在读取他所在扇区所在的扇区。(请记住,CD 扇区与 HD 扇区略有不同;关于后者的更多信息。)
现在我们通过 DeviceIoControl 读取该扇区。如果成功,
那么我们检索刚刚读取的扇区数据。将扇区数据放入 TrackData
对 CD 上的所有曲目重复此操作。
使用 kerenl32 中的 CloseHandle 关闭驱动器的句柄。
// this functions reads binary audio data from a cd and stores it in a jagged array called TrackData // it uses only low level file io calls to open and read the Table of Content and then the binary 'music' data sector by sector // as discovered from the table of content // it also writes it to a binary file called tracks with not extension // this file can be read by any decent hex editor void readcd() { bool TocValid = false; IntPtr cdHandle = IntPtr.Zero; CDROM_TOC Toc = null; int track, StartSector, EndSector; BinaryWriter bw; bool CDReady; uint uiTrackCount, uiTrackSize, uiDataSize; int i; uint BytesRead, Dummy; char Drive = (char)cmbDrives.Text[0]; TRACK_DATA td; int sector; byte[] SectorData; IntPtr pnt; Int64 Offset; btnStart.Enabled = false; Dummy = 0; BytesRead = 0; CDReady = false; Toc = new CDROM_TOC(); IntPtr ip = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((IntPtr)(Marshal.SizeOf(Toc))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(Toc, ip, false); // is it a cdrom drive DriveTypes dt = GetDriveType(Drive + ":\\"); if (dt == DriveTypes.DRIVE_CDROM) { // get a Handle to control the drive with cdHandle = CreateFile("\\\\.\\" + Drive + ':', GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, IntPtr.Zero, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, IntPtr.Zero); CDReady = DeviceIoControl(cdHandle, IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY, IntPtr.Zero, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref Dummy, IntPtr.Zero) == 1; if (!CDReady) { MessageBox.Show("Drive Not Ready", "Drive Not Ready", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { uiTrackCount = 0; // is the Table of Content valid? TocValid = DeviceIoControl(cdHandle, IOCTL_CDROM_READ_TOC, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ip, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(Toc), ref BytesRead, IntPtr.Zero) != 0; //fetch the data from the unmanaged pointer back to the managed structure Marshal.PtrToStructure(ip, Toc); if (!TocValid) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Table of Content ", "Invalid Table of Content ", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { // really only nescary if there are un-useable tracks uiTrackCount = Toc.LastTrack; //for (i = Toc.FirstTrack - 1; i < Toc.LastTrack; i++) //{ // if (Toc.TrackData[i].Control == 0) // uiTrackCount++; //} // create a jagged array to store the track data TrackData = new byte[uiTrackCount][]; // read all the tracks for (track = 1; track <= uiTrackCount; track++)//uiTrackCount; track++) { Offset = 0;// used to store Sectordata into trackdata label1.Text = "Reading Track" + track.ToString() + " of " + uiTrackCount.ToString(); ; Application.DoEvents(); // create a binary writer to write the track data bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(Application.StartupPath + "\\Track" + track.ToString (), FileMode.Create)); //The CDROM_TOC-structure contains the FirstTrack (1) and the LastTrack (max. track nr). CDROM_TOC::TrackData[0] contains info of the //first track on the CD. Each track has an address. It represents the track's play-time using individual members for the hour, minute, //second and frame. The "frame"-value (Address[3]) is given in 1/75-parts of a second -> Remember: 75 frames form one second and one //frame occupies one sector. //Find the first and last sector of the track td = Toc.TrackData[track - 1]; // minutes Seconds fractional seconds 150 bytes is the 2 second lead in to track 1 StartSector = (td.Address_1 * 60 * 75 + td.Address_2 * 75 + td.Address_3) - 150; td = Toc.TrackData[track]; EndSector = (td.Address_1 * 60 * 75 + td.Address_2 * 75 + td.Address_3) - 151; progressBar1.Minimum = StartSector; progressBar1.Maximum = EndSector; uiTrackSize = (uint)(EndSector - StartSector) * CB_AUDIO;//CB_AUDIO==2352 // how big is the track uiDataSize = (uint)uiTrackSize; //Allocate for the track TrackData[track - 1] = new byte[uiDataSize]; SectorData = new byte[CB_AUDIO * NSECTORS]; // read all the sectors for this track for (sector = StartSector; (sector < EndSector); sector += NSECTORS) { Debug.Print(sector.ToString("X2")); RAW_READ_INFO rri = new RAW_READ_INFO();// contains info about the sector to be read rri.TrackMode = TRACK_MODE_TYPE.CDDA; rri.SectorCount = (uint)1; rri.DiskOffset = sector * CB_CDROMSECTOR; //get a pointer to the structure Marshal.StructureToPtr(rri, ip, false); // allocate an unmanged pointer to hold the data read from the disc int size = Marshal.SizeOf(SectorData[0]) * SectorData.Length; pnt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); //Sector data is a byte array to hold data from each sector data // initiallize it to all zeros SectorData.Initialize(); // read the sector i = DeviceIoControl(cdHandle, IOCTL_CDROM_RAW_READ, ip, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(rri), pnt, (uint)NSECTORS * CB_AUDIO, ref BytesRead, IntPtr.Zero); if (i == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Bad Sector Read", "Bad Sector Read from sector " + sector.ToString("X2"), MessageBoxButtons.OK); break; } progressBar1.Value = sector; // return the pointers to their respective managed data sources Marshal.PtrToStructure(ip, rri); Marshal.Copy(pnt, SectorData, 0, SectorData.Length); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pnt); Array.Copy(SectorData, 0, TrackData[track - 1], Offset, BytesRead); Offset += BytesRead; } // write the binary data nad then close it bw.Write(TrackData[track - 1]); bw.Close(); } //unlock PREVENT_MEDIA_REMOVAL pmr = new PREVENT_MEDIA_REMOVAL(); pmr.PreventMediaRemoval = 0; ip = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((IntPtr)(Marshal.SizeOf(pmr))); Marshal.StructureToPtr(pmr, ip, false); DeviceIoControl(cdHandle, IOCTL_STORAGE_MEDIA_REMOVAL, ip, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(pmr), IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref Dummy, IntPtr.Zero); Marshal.PtrToStructure(ip, pmr); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ip); } } } //Close the CD Handle CloseHandle(cdHandle); ConvertToWav(); }
ConvertToWav 方法:
- 初始化 .wav 标头所需的四个 ChunkId。
表示 PCM、立体声、每秒 44100 个样本以及
表示真实 CD 数据的其他方面。接下来,我们遍历锯齿状
数组 TrackData 中表示的所有轨道。创建一个名为“Track(x).wav”的文件并使用
Kernel32 中的 CreateFile 返回一个句柄。构建标题。
- 添加“音乐”数据。
使用 Kernel32 中的 WriteFile 写入文件。
我们刷新 WriteFile 中使用的所有缓冲区。
我们使用 CloseHandle 关闭文件。
现在我们去播放 wav 文件并幸灾乐祸地为我们做得如何
// this procedure tacks the biary data stored in the jagged array called TraackData // and, using low level file io functions) writes it out as a .wav file called trackx.wav private void ConvertToWav() { int i, j, k, track, tracks; byte[] b; char[] riffchunk ={ 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' }; char[] wavechunk ={ 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E' }; char[] datachunk ={ 'd', 'a', 't', 'a' }; char[] fmtchunk ={ 'f', 'm', 't', ' ' }; Int32 riffsize, datasize, fmtsize, extrabits; Int32 DI, SampleRate, ByteRate; uint BytesWritten; Int16 BlockAlign, Format, NumChannels, BitsPerSample; Byte[] Image; IntPtr FileHandle; Format = 1; // PCM NumChannels = 2;// Stereo SampleRate = 44100;// 44100 Samples per secon BitsPerSample = 16; // 16 bits per sample ByteRate = SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample / 8; BlockAlign = 4; fmtsize = 0x12;// size of the 'fmt ' chunk is 18 bytes // get the number of tarcks stoerd in track data tracks = TrackData.GetUpperBound(0); // setup the progressbar progressBar1.Maximum = tracks; progressBar1.Minimum = 0; // do all the tracks for (track = 0; track <= tracks; track++) { DI = 0;//IDI is an index into the Image array where the next chunk of data will be stored progressBar1.Value = track; label1.Text = "Writeing Track " + (track + 1).ToString() + ".wav"; Application.DoEvents(); // Create a File called trackx.wav and return a handle to it FileHandle=CreateFile(Application.StartupPath + "\\Track" + (track + 1).ToString() + ".wav",GENERIC_WRITE,0,IntPtr.Zero ,OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, IntPtr.Zero ); // Wav file format is notthe subject of this project .. . // suffice it to say that at minimum there is a Header which is followed by the PCM, Stereo , 44100 Hz Sample rate binary data // for more info on Wav format plese visit: //http://www.sonicspot.com/guide/wavefiles.html //Start prepareing the RIFF header // how big the the 'music' binary data datasize = TrackData[track].Length; //build the header riffsize = datasize; riffsize += 4;//RIFFSize riffsize += 4;//WAVE riffsize += 4;//fmt riffsize += fmtsize; riffsize += 4;// DATA riffsize += 4;//datasize extrabits = 0; // build the image Image = new Byte[riffsize + 8];// riffchunk + riffsize b = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(riffchunk); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(riffsize); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; b = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(wavechunk); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; b = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fmtchunk); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(fmtsize); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(Format); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 2); DI += 2; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(NumChannels); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 2); DI += 2; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(SampleRate); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(ByteRate); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(BlockAlign); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 2); DI += 2; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(BitsPerSample); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 2); DI += 2; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(extrabits); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 2); DI += 2; b = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(datachunk); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; b = BitConverter.GetBytes(datasize); if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(b); Array.Copy(b, 0, Image, DI, 4); DI += 4; // add the digital 'music' data retrieved earler Array.Copy(TrackData[track], 0, Image, DI, TrackData[track].Length); // write the binary file - trackx.wav i = WriteFile(FileHandle, Image, (uint)Image.Length, out BytesWritten, IntPtr.Zero); //if successful then // flush all buffers used in the low level write operation // then close the file if(i!= 0) { //Flush the file buffers to force writing of the data. i = FlushFileBuffers(FileHandle); //Close the file. i = CloseHandle(FileHandle); } // the wave file now exists (created by reading the CD and can be playedby most wav players Image = null; progressBar1.Value = track; } }
- 当两个文件的长度不同时,它们不可能是同一个文件,返回false
private bool FileCompare(string file1, string file2) { int file1byte; int file2byte; FileStream fs1; FileStream fs2; // Open the two files. fs1 = new FileStream(file1, FileMode.Open); fs2 = new FileStream(file2, FileMode.Open); // Check the file sizes. If they are not the same, the files // are not the same. if (fs1.Length != fs2.Length) { // Close the file fs1.Close(); fs2.Close(); // Return false to indicate files are different return false; } // Read and compare a byte from each file until either a // non-matching set of bytes is found or until the end of // file1 is reached. do { // Read one byte from each file. file1byte = fs1.ReadByte(); file2byte = fs2.ReadByte(); } while ((file1byte == file2byte) && (file1byte != -1)); // Close the files. fs1.Close(); fs2.Close(); // Return the success of the comparison. "file1byte" is // equal to "file2byte" at this point only if the files are // the same. return ((file1byte - file2byte) == 0); }