INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
A DWord ?
B dword ?
prompta byte "what is your digit a?",0
promptb byte "what is your digit b?",0
message0 byte "you are in s0 with output ",0
message1 byte "you are in s1 with output ",0
message2 byte "you are in s2 with output ",0
message3 byte "you are in s3 with output ",0
main PROC
call s0
call waitmsg
初始状态为 S0
myexit proc
mov eax, white+16*black
call settextcolor
call waitmsg
myexit endp
readdigits proc
mov edx, offset prompta
call writestring
call readint ; dword into eax
mov a,eax
mov edx, offset promptb
call writestring
call readint
mov b,eax
readdigits endp
S0,S1,S2,S3 的程序从这里开始
s0 proc
mov edx,offset message0
call writestring
mov eax,0 ;Output is 0 in State 0
call writedec
call crlf
call readdigits
call s0
call s1
call s2
s0 endp
s1 proc
mov edx,offset message1
call writestring
mov eax,0 ;Output is 1 in State 0
call writedec
call crlf
call readdigits
call s2
call s3
call s1
s1 endp
s2 proc
mov edx,offset message2
call writestring
mov eax,1 ;Output is 1 in State 2
call writedec
call crlf
call readdigits
call s0
call s1
call s2
s2 endp
s3 proc
mov edx,offset message3
call writestring
mov eax,1 ;Output is 1 in State 2
call writedec
call crlf
call readdigits
call s2
call s0
call s1
s3 endp
main endp
end main