当我尝试在 composer-playground 中执行事务时,出现错误:预期资源或概念,错误消息显示“预期资源或概念”。事务名称是“HireEmployee”。

/*这是我的 .cto 文件:*/

namespace org.example.basic

*Asset Job Defenition

enum JobState {

concept JobDescription {
o String jobTitle
o String jobdescription
o String skill
o String Duration

asset Job identified by jobId {
o String jobId
--> Employer employer
--> Member hiredemployee optional
o Double budget
o JobState state
o JobDescription description
o Bid[] offers optional

*Asset Forum Defenition

asset Forum identified by forumId {
  o String forumId
  -->Member owner
  o String question
  o Solution[] solutions optional

* Participants of the network

abstract participant User identified by userId {
  o String userId
  o String firstName
  o String lastName

participant Member extends User {
 o Double expPoint
 o Double credit

participant Employer extends User {
  o Double credit


transaction Bid {
  o Double bidPrice
  -->Job job
  -->Member member

transaction HireEmployee {
  -->Job job

transaction Solution {
  o String answer
  -->Forum forum
  -->Member member


/** 链码文件 * Hire an Employee * @param {org.example.basic.HireEmployee} 雇佣 - 雇佣 * @transaction */

async function hireEmployee(hire) {
    const job = hire.job;
    if (job.state !== 'OPEN') {
        throw new Error('This Job is Closed and Someone is Already Hired');

    job.state = 'ON_LIVE';  
    let lowestOffer = null;
    let employee = null;
    let employer =null;

    if (job.offers && job.offers.length > 0) {
        // sort the bids by bidPrice
        job.offers.sort(function(a, b) {
            return (a.bidPrice - b.bidPrice);
        lowestOffer = job.offers[0];
        if (lowestOffer.bidPrice >= 5 ) {
            // mark the job as Hired
            job.state = 'HIRED';
            let employer = job.employer;
            let employee = lowestOffer.member;

            console.log('#### employer balance before: ' + employer.credit);
            employer.credit -= lowestOffer.bidPrice;
            console.log('#### employer balance after: ' + employer.credit);
            // update the balance of the buyer
            console.log('#### Employee balance before: ' + employee.credit);
            employee.credit += lowestOffer.bidPrice;
            console.log('#### buyer balance after: ' + employee.credit);
            // mark the hire employee
            job.hiredemployee = employee;

            job.offers = null;

     // save the bid
    const jobRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.example.basic.Job');
    await jobRegistry.update(job);

    if (job.state === 'HIRED') {
        // save the buyer
        const memberRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry('org.example.basic.Member');
        await memberRegistry.update(employee);

        const userRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry('org.example.basic.Employer');
        await userRegistry.update(employer);


1 回答 1


在函数调用的第一行中,我将“const”更改为“let”。通过此修改,我能够在 Hyperledger Composer 操场上进行测试交易。你能检查一下这对你有用吗?

* Hire an Employee 
* @param {org.example.basic.HireEmployee} hire - the hire 
* @transaction 

async function hireEmployee(hire) {
    let job = hire.job;
    if (job.state !== 'OPEN') {
        throw new Error('This Job is Closed and Someone is Already Hired');

    job.state = 'ON_LIVE';  
    let lowestOffer = null;
    let employee = null;
    let employer =null;

    if (job.offers && job.offers.length > 0) {
        // sort the bids by bidPrice
        job.offers.sort(function(a, b) {
            return (a.bidPrice - b.bidPrice);
        lowestOffer = job.offers[0];
        if (lowestOffer.bidPrice >= 5 ) {
            // mark the job as Hired
            job.state = 'HIRED';
            let employer = job.employer;
            let employee = lowestOffer.member;

            console.log('#### employer balance before: ' + employer.credit);
            employer.credit -= lowestOffer.bidPrice;
            console.log('#### employer balance after: ' + employer.credit);
            // update the balance of the buyer
            console.log('#### Employee balance before: ' + employee.credit);
            employee.credit += lowestOffer.bidPrice;
            console.log('#### buyer balance after: ' + employee.credit);
            // mark the hire employee
            job.hiredemployee = employee;

            job.offers = null;

     // save the bid
    const jobRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.example.basic.Job');
    await jobRegistry.update(job);

    if (job.state === 'HIRED') {
        // save the buyer
        const memberRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry('org.example.basic.Member');
        await memberRegistry.update(employee);

        const userRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry('org.example.basic.Employer');
        await userRegistry.update(employer);

于 2019-05-12T08:49:05.853 回答