I am very much new to Houdini and this might be something very obvious to ask but I have hit a brick wall. I would like to store a parameter, specifically the File Name of an alembic object so that I can validate the filename to see if it follows a namespace convention

Property I am trying to get circled in red

The following is all I have

import hou

node = hou.node('obj/alembic1/alembic1')

after getting the node, how would I get the File Name property? Any guidance is greatly appreciated


1 回答 1



1 正如您在代码中开始做的那样,访问节点,然后访问节点的 parm HOM 方法:

parm = hou.node('obj/alembic1/alembic1').parm('fileName')

2 直接使用hou.parm:

parm = hou.parm('obj/alembic1/alembic1/fileName')

parm 是一个表示参数的对象,要获取参数的值,您需要调用它的 eval 方法:

parmval = parm.eval() 


node = hou.node('obj/alembic1/alembic1')
parmVal = node.parm('fileName').eval()

请注意,parm.eval() 适用于大多数情况,但有时您可能需要更详细的方法,例如 parm.evalAsNode()。在此处查看帮助。

当您将鼠标悬停在要在参数窗口中访问的参数名称上时,您可以看到要在代码中使用的参数名称。即,如果您将鼠标悬停在 Alembic 节点中的“文件名”上,它将显示:


于 2019-05-08T21:24:48.290 回答