我学会了如何让 NGINX 返回503客户错误页面,但我不知道如何执行以下操作:


    location / {
        root   www;
        index  index.php;
        try_files /503.html =503;

    error_page 503 /503.html;
    location = /503.html {
        root   www;








4 回答 4


以下配置适用于接近最新稳定的 nginx 1.2.4。我找不到不使用 an 来启用维护页面的方法,if但显然根据IfIsEvil它是可以的if

  • 启用维护touch /srv/sites/blah/public/maintenance.enable。您可以rm将该文件禁用。
  • 错误502将映射到503大多数人想要的。您不想给 Google 一个502.
  • 自定义502503页面。您的应用将生成其他错误页面。

网上还有其他配置,但它们似乎不适用于最新的 nginx。

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name blah.com;

    access_log  /srv/sites/blah/logs/access.log;
    error_log  /srv/sites/blah/logs/error.log;

    root   /srv/sites/blah/public/;
    index  index.html;

    location / {
        if (-f $document_root/maintenance.enable) {
            return 503;
        try_files /override.html @tomcat;

    location = /502.html {

    location @maintenance {
       rewrite ^(.*)$ /maintenance.html break;

    error_page 503 @maintenance;
    error_page 502 =503 /502.html;

    location @tomcat {
         client_max_body_size 50M;

         proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
         proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
         proxy_set_header  Host $http_host;
         proxy_set_header  Referer $http_referer;
         proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-Proto http;
         proxy_pass http://tomcat;
         proxy_redirect off;
于 2013-01-28T14:58:52.453 回答

更新:将“if -f”更改为“try_files”。


server {
    listen      80;
    server_name mysite.com;
    root    /var/www/mysite.com/;

    location / {
        try_files /maintenance.html $uri $uri/ @maintenance;

        # When maintenance ends, just mv maintenance.html from $root
        ... # the rest of your config goes here

    location @maintenance {
      return 503;





于 2011-04-09T11:45:37.150 回答

其他答案都是正确的,但只是补充一点,如果您使用内部代理,您还需要proxy_intercept_errors on;在您的代理服务器之一上添加。


    proxy_intercept_errors on;
    root /var/www/site.com/public;
    error_page 503 @503;
    location @503 {
       rewrite ^(.*)$ /scripts/503.html break;
于 2013-07-09T19:01:43.150 回答


HTML 错误页面存储在站点根目录中的 /http-error 目录中。

我在 www.xmpl.link 创建了 NGINX PHP-FPM 快速设置指南您可以在其中学习如何启动服务器、下载准备使用的错误页面模板等等。

######    #####     #####      ####     #####        #####       ##       ####     ######     ####  
#         #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #       #    #     #  #     #    #    #         #      
#####     #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #       #    #    #    #    #         #####      ####  
#         #####     #####     #    #    #####        #####     ######    #  ###    #              # 
#         #   #     #   #     #    #    #   #        #         #    #    #    #    #         #    # 
######    #    #    #    #     ####     #    #       #         #    #     ####     ######     ####  

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optionally include these error pages as a file.
# include /etc/nginx/conf.d/www.example1.com_error_page.conf;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description
# Defines the URI that will be shown for the specified errors.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 400 Bad Request
error_page            400 @400;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 400 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @400 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/400-error.html break;
# 401 Unauthorized
error_page            401 @401;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 401 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @401 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/401-error.html break;
# 403 Forbidden
error_page            403 @403;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 403 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @403 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/403-error.html break;
# 404 Not Found
error_page            404 @404;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 404 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @404 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/404-error.html break;

# 405 Method Not Allowed
# unreachable do to nature of the error itself. here only for completeness.
# error_page            405 /http-error/405-error.html break;

# Request Timeout
error_page            408 @408;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 408 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @408 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/408-error.html break;

# 500 Internal Server Error
error_page            500 @500;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 500 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @500 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/500-error.html break;
# 502 Bad Gateway
error_page            502 @502;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 502 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @502 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/502-error.html break;
# 503 Service Unavailable
error_page            503 @503;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 503 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @503 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/503-error.html break;
# 504 Gateway Time-out
error_page            504 @504;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 504 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @504 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/504-error.html break;
# 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
error_page            505 @505;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 505 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @505 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/505-error.html break;
# 511 HTTP Version Not Supported
error_page            511 @511;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# An http 511 error must be returned in this manner for custom http error pages to be served correctly.
location @511 {
   rewrite ^(.*)$     /http-error/511-error.html break;

#       ####   ####    ##   ##### #  ####  #    # 
#      #    # #    #  #  #    #   # #    # ##   # 
#      #    # #      #    #   #   # #    # # #  # 
#      #    # #      ######   #   # #    # #  # # 
#      #    # #    # #    #   #   # #    # #   ## 
######  ####   ####  #    #   #   #  ####  #    # 

# example1.com internal error pages located at...
location /http-error/ {
  # Specifies that a given location can only be used for internal requests.
  # returns a 404 Not Found http error if accessed directly.
于 2020-06-07T14:55:04.413 回答