I have a DataGrid that I already filtered using grid.filter(query, rerender). If I add another item, after calling save() I see the new item in the grid even though it shouldn't display because of the filter. I'm thinking "ok, I'll just filter it again when the store finishes saving. But after calling grid.filter with the same query all the rows disappear. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Code to filter the grid:
var filterQuery = dijit.byId("filterTextbox").attr("value");
var grid = dijit.byId("grid");
var queryValue = "*";
if(filterQuery != ""){
queryValue += filterQuery + "*";
grid.filter({name: queryValue}, true);
Code to add new items to the grid
function addItemToGrid(newItemName){
var newItem = {name: newItemName};
var grid = dijit.byId("grid");
var store = grid.store;