在我的基类 ( Entity) 中,我实现了GetEntity由接口 ( ) 定义的方法 ( IEntity)。TEntity该方法适用于受限于接口类型的泛型类型 ( )。在上述方法中,我想采用泛型类型并将其转换为基类类型以访问基ParentKeyFields类中定义的成员 ()。这是代码:

public interface IEntity
    TEntity GetEntity<TEntity>(string identifier) where TEntity : IEntity;

public class Entity : IEntity
    private readonly IDataProvider DataProvider;
    private readonly IUserContext UserContext;

    public List<string> ParentKeyFields { get; set; }

    public Entity(IDataProvider dataProvider, IUserContext userContext)
        // ...

        ParentKeyFields = new List<string>();

    public TEntity GetEntity<TEntity>(string identifier) where TEntity : IEntity
        // Approach #1:
        TEntity result = default(TEntity);
        List<string> test = ((Entity)result).ParentKeyFields;
        // This gives me an error saying: "Cannot conver type 'TEntity' to 'Entity'".

        // Approach #2:
        Entity result = (TEntity) new Entity(DataProvider, UserContext);
        // This gives me an error saying: "Cannot convert type 'Entity' to 'TEntity'.
        List<string> test = result.ParentKeyFields;
        return result;
        // This gives me an error saying: "Cannot implictly convert type 'Entity' to 'TEntity'".

我无法访问成员 ( ParentKeyFields)。我尝试在对象创建和访问成员时进行强制转换。两种方法都不会编译。


class Company : Entity
    public Company(IDataProvider dataProvider, IUserContext userContext) : base(dataProvider, userContext)

public class Employee : Entity
    public Employee(IDataProvider dataProvider, IUserContext userContext) : base(dataProvider, userContext)

public class EIns : Entity
    public EIns(IDataProvider dataProvider, IUserContext userContext) : base(dataProvider, userContext)

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Entity test = system.GetEntity<Employee>("foobar");



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