inet[]我正在尝试显示在type 列中至少具有一个值的行。

我真的不知道更好,所以似乎最容易使用这样的东西,但它返回的结果{}我猜是null根据inet[]类型,而不是从is not null查询的角度来看?

peering_manager=# select asn,name,potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions from peering_autonomoussystem where potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions is not null order by potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions limit 1;
 asn  |              name               | potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions
 6128 | Cablevision Systems Corporation | {}
(1 row)


因此,尝试深入研究它,我想也许如果我可以尝试匹配inet[]列中任何有效 IP 地址的存在,那会起作用,但是我遇到了一个错误,我不明白它指的是什么要或如何解决它以达到预期的结果:

peering_manager=# select asn,name,potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions from peering_autonomoussystem where potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions << inet '';
ERROR:  operator does not exist: inet[] << inet
LINE 1: ...here potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions << inet '0...
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.




peering_manager=# \d peering_autonomoussystem;
                                                     Table "public.peering_autonomoussystem"
                    Column                    |           Type           |                               Modifiers
 id                                           | integer                  | not null default nextval('peering_autonomoussystem_id_seq'::regclass)
 asn                                          | bigint                   | not null
 name                                         | character varying(128)   | not null
 comment                                      | text                     | not null
 ipv6_max_prefixes                            | integer                  | not null
 ipv4_max_prefixes                            | integer                  | not null
 updated                                      | timestamp with time zone |
 irr_as_set                                   | character varying(255)   |
 ipv4_max_prefixes_peeringdb_sync             | boolean                  | not null
 ipv6_max_prefixes_peeringdb_sync             | boolean                  | not null
 irr_as_set_peeringdb_sync                    | boolean                  | not null
 created                                      | timestamp with time zone |
 potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions | inet[]                   | not null
 contact_email                                | character varying(254)   | not null
 contact_name                                 | character varying(50)    | not null
 contact_phone                                | character varying(20)    | not null
    "peering_autonomoussystem_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "peering_autonomoussystem_asn_ec0373c4_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (asn)
Check constraints:
    "peering_autonomoussystem_ipv4_max_prefixes_check" CHECK (ipv4_max_prefixes >= 0)
    "peering_autonomoussystem_ipv6_max_prefixes_check" CHECK (ipv6_max_prefixes >= 0)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "peering_directpeeringsession" CONSTRAINT "peering_directpeerin_autonomous_system_id_691dbc97_fk_peering_a" FOREIGN KEY (autonomous_system_id) REFERENCES peering_autonomoussystem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
    TABLE "peering_internetexchangepeeringsession" CONSTRAINT "peering_peeringsessi_autonomous_system_id_9ffc404f_fk_peering_a" FOREIGN KEY (autonomous_system_id) REFERENCES peering_autonomoussystem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED

peering_manager=# select asn,name,potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions from peering_autonomoussystem limit 7;
  asn  |              name               |                                                                 potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions
 37662 | WIOCC                           | {2001:504:1::a503:7662:1,}
 38001 | NewMedia Express Pte Ltd        | {2001:504:16::9471,}
 46562 | Total Server Solutions          | {2001:504:1::a504:6562:1,,2001:504:16::b5e2,,2001:504:1a::35:21,,2001:504:2d::18:80,,2001:504:36::b5e2:0:1,}
 55081 | 24Shells Inc                    | {2001:504:1::a505:5081:1,}
 62887 | Whitesky Communications         | {2001:504:16::f5a7,}
  2603 | NORDUnet                        | {2001:504:1::a500:2603:1,}
  6128 | Cablevision Systems Corporation | {}
(7 rows)

2 回答 2


您可以使用array_length(). 在空数组或空值上,这将返回NULL

WHERE array_length(potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions, 1) IS NOT NULL
于 2019-04-28T18:53:46.287 回答


WHERE array_length(potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions, 1) > 0
于 2019-04-28T19:07:22.330 回答