ds tickets_sold y event_id
3/12/19 90 90 1
3/13/19 40 130 1
3/14/19 13 143 1
3/15/19 8 151 1
3/16/19 13 164 1
3/17/19 14 178 1
3/20/19 10 188 1
3/20/19 15 203 1
3/20/19 13 216 1
3/21/19 6 222 1
3/22/19 11 233 1
3/23/19 12 245 1
3/12/19 30 30 2
3/13/19 23 53 2
3/14/19 43 96 2
3/15/19 24 120 2
3/16/19 3 123 2
3/17/19 5 128 2
3/20/19 3 131 2
3/20/19 25 156 2
3/20/19 64 220 2
3/21/19 6 226 2
3/22/19 4 230 2
3/23/19 63 293 2
我想预测该数据未来 10 天的销售额:
ds tickets_sold y event_id
3/24/19 20 20 3
3/25/19 30 50 3
3/26/19 20 70 3
3/27/19 12 82 3
3/28/19 12 94 3
3/29/19 12 106 3
3/30/19 12 118 3
到目前为止,我的模型就是那个。但是,我并没有告诉模型这是两个独立的事件。然而,考虑来自不同事件的所有数据将是有用的,因为它们属于同一组织者,因此提供的信息不仅仅是一个事件。Prophet 可以这样搭配吗?
# Load data
df = pd.read_csv('event_data_prophet.csv')
df.drop(columns=['tickets_sold'], inplace=True, axis=0)
# The important things to note are that cap must be specified for every row in the dataframe,
# and that it does not have to be constant. If the market size is growing, then cap can be an increasing sequence.
df['cap'] = 500
# growth: String 'linear' or 'logistic' to specify a linear or logistic trend.
m = Prophet(growth='linear')
# periods is the amount of days that I look in the future
future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=20)
future['cap'] = 500
forecast = m.predict(future)
forecast[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail()
fig1 = m.plot(forecast)