
将 Kotling 与 JUnit5 和 Mockk 一起使用,第一种方法应该是这样的:

class CreateProductsTests {

    fun `run() with an existing product should throw a CrudException`() {

        val productRepository = mockk<ProductRepository>()
        val editorService = mockk<EditorService>()
        val sut = CreateProductServiceImpl(productRepository, editorService)

        // Given an editor that return a JSON
        val product = completeTestProduct()
        every { editorService.edit("Create new Product", product) } returns product

        // And the product does exist in the database
        every { productRepository.findById(product.id) } returns Optional.of(product)

        // When we call createProduct()"
        // Then should fail
        val exception = assertFailsWith<CrudException> { sut.createProduct() }
        exception.message shouldBe "The product 'TST' already exists in database"

    fun `createProduct() with an invalid product should fail`() {

        val productRepository = mockk<ProductRepository>()
        val editorService = mockk<EditorService>()
        val sut = CreateProductServiceImpl(productRepository, editorService)

        // Given an editor that return a JSON
        val product = completeTestProduct()
        every { editorService.edit("Create new Product", product) } returns product

        // And the product does exist in the database
        every { productRepository.findById(product.id) } returns Optional.of(product)

        // And a repository saves the product
        every { productRepository.save(product) } returns product

        // When we call createProduct()"
        val actual = sut.createProduct()

        // Then it should return the product
        actual shouldBe product

        // And should call once these dependencies
        verify(exactly = 1) {
            editorService.edit(any<String>(), any<Product>())

@BeforeEach但是,与其在每个测试用例上声明模拟并初始化 SUT,不如使用类似这样的东西更清晰(可能不是更快) :

class CreateProductsTests {

    var productRepository = mockk<ProductRepository>()
    var editorService = mockk<EditorService>()
    var sut = CreateProductServiceImpl(productRepository, editorService)

    fun clear() {
        productRepository = mockk<ProductRepository>()
        editorService = mockk<EditorService>()
        sut = CreateProductServiceImpl(productRepository, editorService)

有没有更好(和更快)的方法来声明模拟和 sut 一次并在每次测试中重置或清除所有模拟?


2 回答 2



internal fun tearDown() {
于 2019-04-28T10:48:40.317 回答

您可以在每次测试之前初始化模拟和 sut 并重置模拟,但您只需要生成一次测试类的实例。这是它的样子:

class CreateProductsTests {

    var productRepository = mockk<ProductRepository>()
    var editorService = mockk<EditorService>()
    var sut = CreateProductServiceImpl(productRepository, editorService)

    fun setup() {
        sut = CreateProductServiceImpl(productRepository, editorService)

    fun clear() {
        clearMocks(productRepository, editorService)
于 2019-05-16T22:16:14.600 回答