我正在尝试使用 R 包下载主题标签 (#Venture) 的每个实例rtweet` and am seeing a messaging indicating that the data is downloading but stopping at 16% with the progress bar unfinished. I understand the API limits a query to 18k tweets per 15 minute interval, but what is confusing me is that my R prompt
R>``` 已返回,就好像查询已完成或中止一样。我只是不耐烦还是我错过了什么?
我试图玩弄这个论点retryonratelimit = TRUE
;我已经尝试再次执行查询。我浏览了一些教程并查找了包文档。我只是很困惑为什么下载进度条仅在 16% 后才退出,从不重新启动或至少中止并抛出错误消息。
R> ## search for 250,000 tweets containing the word data
R> venture1 <- search_tweets(
+ "#venture", n = 200000, include_rts = FALSE, retryonratelimit = TRUE
+ )
Downloading [=====>-----------------------------------] 16%