我无法将我的大脑围绕所有权和通过动作最大化性能。想象一下这组假想的类模拟 Excel 工作簿。
namespace Excel {
class Cell
// ctors
Cell() = default;
Cell(std::string val) : m_val(val) {};
// because I have a custom constructor, I assume I need to also
// define copy constructors, move constructors, and a destructor.
// If I don't my understanding is that the private string member
// will always be copied instead of moved when Cell is replicated
// (due to expansion of any vector in which it is stored)? Or will
// it be copied, anyways (so it doesn't matter or I could just
// define them as default)
value() const { return m_val; }; // getter (no setter)
std::string m_val;
class Row
// ctors
Row() = default;
Row(int cellCountHint) : m_rowData(cellCountHint) {}
// copy ctors (presumably defaults will copy private vector member)
Row(const Row&) = default;
Row& operator=(Row const&) = default;
// move ctors (presumably defaults will move private vector member)
Row(Row&& rhs) = default;
Row& operator=(Row&& rhs) = default;
// and if I want to append to internal vector, might I get performance
// gains by moving in lieu of copying, since Cells contain strings of
// arbitrary length/size?
void append(Cell cell) { m_rowData.push_back(cell); };
void append(Cell &&cell) { m_rowData.push_back(std::move(cell)); };
std::vector<Cell> m_rowData;
- 工作表类将包含行向量
- Workbook 类将包含 Worksheets 的向量
我觉得没有必要为 MWE 实现最后两个,因为它们实际上是 Row 的重复(我的假设是它们与 Row 的设计相同)。