Why would I get NoMethodError on my Heroku app when the same code works flawlessly on my local setup?
The error is triggered by this code:
@customer = Customer.find(1)
@customer.responses.create(:offer_id => '1', :digit => '2')
That code works as intended on my local server and in my local Rails console.
However, on Heroku the above code triggers NoMethodError:
NoMethodError (undefined method `responses' for #<Customer:0x7f7bcbee3808>):
The Response model is tied to the Customer model by means of belongs_to :customer
Additionally, I can login to the Heroku console and run this without any problems:
Response.create(:offer_id => '1', :customer_id => '1', :digit => '2')
So if the above works and both versions work fine on my local box, why would the association fail on Heroku?
Running Rails 3.0.6 and tested on Heroku Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9.2
Databases are identical on Heroku and on my local box.